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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
7/17/2007 8:57:17 AM
Creation date
2/1/2005 2:47:05 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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<br />to rem0ving t-hat 25 f00r ~S'3ec::~ment' at those l0cations that <br />already have existing homes, but at- this time there can be <br />no decisions made on ~sc::esqmentq because this is a hearing <br />for the improvem~nt. The decisi~n to re made tonight is - <br />should it re built or not. If it is built, then at the <br />C"ssessment he~ring would be the time if cmyone felt they should <br />not be essessed for either sewer Clnd water because they have <br />an existing home on a corner, then they may bring that forward <br />and the Council could review it. <br /> <br />The sanitary sewer is pr0posed to be constructed again along <br />Mi llwr)')d, then through an exist iag easement out to OwaRSO for <br />the sout-herly portion. from the cul-de-sac on Millwood down <br />where it would tie into the exi.c:;ting sewer, cmd northerly to the <br />existing sewer, end a piece to serve the interior lots along <br />Brenner 00wn to Avon. In addition, there1s a short section <br />which would }-;e !":hered by both Shoreview cnd Roseville. This <br />would tie into t-he exist ing meter just on the north side - <br />or Shoreview side - of County Road D, and would run up to a <br />p0int where it could serve the northerly lot in Shoreview. <br />That sewer would serve (inaudirle) communities. It would <br />2ctually only te supplying f?cilities to two lots in Roseville, <br />rut TTlany more in ShoreviE~w, part icularly if they cono....ruct a <br />future street in this location C"s they pla.n to according to <br />their master plan. That~ sewer woulo be shared in coc:;t- between <br />the two com~unitie~, but only beyond the point, or only from <br />the point ')f its (inaudible) t-o the point where it would be <br />!":erving Rosevi lIe res ident s it wou ld l"'e 50 - 50, and beyond <br />that- it would be Sh0review cost-. <br /> <br />This depicts the proposed roadways and the storm ~ewer. <br />We will stClrt with the roadways. The rO?0w;::yS are ~hown in <br />whet is brown. to you. These rOCldways ore propo"!ed to be built <br />at Q seven ton design which is the city st.andard, 32 feet in <br />width, with concrete curb end gutter. They are what would be <br />called a standard street design. It is propoqed to have e cul- <br />de-sac et this location. and ell the other r02dweys are proposed <br />to connect and l00p out to the other existing facilities, na~ely. <br />Victoria or West Owes~o Boulev?rd. It is not proposed that this <br />leg of County Road D re constructed due to the fact that it <br />would not be serving cny new proposed use that could n~t al- <br />reedy get service elsewhere, 2nd thG fact that it would be <br />going on very st-eep grades Clnd through very poor terrain. It <br />would be very expensive without too ~uch benefit. <br /> <br />-3- <br />
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