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<br />MR. HONCHELL: The standard policy is if they have <br />any wa~er that gets into the facility, they are liable. <br />(Inaudible) if it goes through the middle - there1s Lot 2 <br />south of Brenner - it appears to go right through the middle <br />of the lot. Assuming they haven1t ever been assessed for <br />storm sewer, they would then be proposed to be assessed <br />$295.00. On the other hand, if there's ever another storm <br />sewer needed along West OwassoQ they would not be charged <br />anything because they would have paid their assessment. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: Some of the houses on Victoria were in- <br />cluded in the storm sewer to the west. <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: Then they would not be charged for this <br />improvement, and there are some lots, as I mentioned, to the <br />south that are in the plat that are not within the storm <br />sewer area. <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN GRAUEL: Where is the property - the 35% <br />of the people that are in favor of it. <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: Generally near Brenner. One thing I <br />did not mention because it1s sort of standard policy, but <br />the city1s existing policy on side lots is that they only <br />are assumed to have 10% assessable frontage as long as they <br />are a normal buildable lot. If you had an 85 foot lot, or <br />say 100 feet on the front, and 140 feet on the side - I don1t <br />see any that have that exact - take number 1 down near Brenner - <br />that1s close. You1d only be assessed 10% along Brenner. If <br />you had an extremely large lot that was dividable, you1d be <br />assessed more, but most of these are not. But the ratio is <br />10% along the side to make assessable frontage. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS~ At ~his time lid like to open the hearing <br />to the public. I would ask that you corne to the microphone <br />and state your name and address, and if we can keep one of <br />these ~lides on, indicate to Doug where your lot is so we <br />know what you're talking about specifically. <br /> <br />MR. CLINTON SMITH, 3006 North Victoria: lIve been working <br />on this parcel of land for about 10 years, trying to get it for <br />Open Space and, as we all know, it1s pretty well beaten now. <br />But I feel that since that area that - with the lots are the <br />ones that are going to be benefiting from this - the existing <br />property owners get no benefit whatsoever. As a matter of fact, <br /> <br />-8- <br />