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<br />it detracts from their property and decreased the v2lue. <br />I don't feel the property owners with houses along Victoria and <br />West Owasso nhould be assessed anything. The other thing that <br />11m concerned about is the ponding area. I know they have made <br />their studies and I know that in Shoreview and Lake Emily they <br />did their studies and every time it rains they end up pumping <br />it over the hill at an extremely high cost to the village of <br />Shoreview. so I do have that concern too. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: I would merely say as far as any assessments, <br />you would not receive any assessments other than storm sewer <br />and the only reason would be because your water would be <br />draining into - <br /> <br />MR. SMITH: On the other hand, these people had the oppor- <br />tunity to sell these lots to the county and in that case, none <br />of us would be paying anything. We wouldn1t be paying the <br />money that's left over to the city either, and I can1t believe <br />they1re going to get that much more out of these lots than if <br />they sold it. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: People had the opportunity, but the county <br />rejected the price. <br /> <br />MR. SMITH: They chose not to go to Court, right? <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: If you wish to be heard, just cowe up to <br />the microphone. <br /> <br />MR. JAMES KONOLD, 2998 No~th Victoria: I live next to <br />Mr. Smith. I have basically the same feeling. I can see <br />no advantc>ge to me whatsoever, and from talking with others <br />in other parts of the county, and listening, and I know there <br />are 2 few lawsuits involved, for instance out in Maplewood, <br />the thing they came up with was there was no benefit to the <br />home owner. The only possible benefit I can see would be the <br />storm sewer and, of course, we live on top of a hill and the <br />water drains down both ways and also off the back, and the <br />property that concerns us the most is the front of our lot - <br />and the front of our lot where our house is drains on to <br />victoria and down the sides down the regular drainage: so <br />really what would drain down the back in either Smith1s case <br />or mine, would be negligible. It's just an open space there, <br />but it seems pretty far-fetched, and to be assessed that Kind <br />of money for something so nebulous as that - there1s really <br /> <br />-9- <br />