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<br />MR. MORRISON: Aren't you saying that where the streets are <br />surfeced, that will De a part of the surface water, otherwise the <br />existing sY3tem could be considered edequate. <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: I guess I don't reach that same conclusion. <br /> <br />MR. MORRISON: Could I have the elevation differences? <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: I don't have them. <br /> <br />MR. MORRISON: Would you mail them. Is that some information <br />I couldn't have? <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: When talking a~out storm sewers and streets <br />itls not a matter of benefiting - those th8t are included <br />in 2 storm sewer development area are those who contribute <br />weter to the area - not necessarily that they are being <br />benefited by being relieved of water. <br /> <br />MARIE HINZ, 2995 West Owasso B~ulevard: We own the lot <br />behind US also and, well, the only thing I can say abcut the <br />sborm sewer is the people who are in the blue lines are pro- <br />bably more than likely the ones who do give water to the area, <br />2nd I'm one of the ones that pays the most. As you see, it <br />just out on my lot on the corner, but I know our lot is at a <br />hill and back of Lhe lot slopes into the valley so I donlt <br />have any complaint~ about the sewer assessments, ond the only other <br />thing I wanted to say is how much was Open Space willing to pay <br />for t-he lot.s back there? You sC"y $300,000, but what was the per <br />lot price? <br /> <br />MR. REILING: Their offer was $3,000 a lot. It came before <br />the Commissioners and they awarded the $6,000. We weren't <br />going to set.tle for $6,000 becau,se of what Mr. Grauel said, and <br />we know those lots should bring S15,000 plus assessments. <br /> <br />MRS. HINZ: $15,000 with the assessments paid. I know a <br />gentleman who sold one south of 36 where they developed, and he <br />sold it for ~16,OOO vdt.h assessments paid. I don't know for <br />sure. <br /> <br />MR. REILING: When was that? <br /> <br />MRS. HINZ: They just developed the area. 11m sure <br />theyl1l go about $16,000. I don't know why the people didnlt <br />take $6,000, when you figure the assessments will be $5,000 <br />so that's $11,000 right there. <br /> <br />-24- <br />