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<br />MAYOR DEMOS~ This C2me to ~5,000. <br /> <br />FROM THE AUDIENCE~ $11,000 is short of - <br /> <br />MRS. HINZ~ Ilm on ? corner lot so I'll have to P?Y <br />almost $8,000 so I can get ~5,OOO more on e2ch of the lots. <br />The reason we bought was }:ecauge Open Space was developing. <br />It was listed on the sheet because (inaudible) not reen built up <br />bec2use Open Space was going to buy it. So we moved, cmd here <br />all of 2 sudden - all of 2 sudden welre going to be citified. <br />Therels much more prime land in Roseville th2t C2n be built <br />up without resorting to this. <br /> <br />FRmlJ. THE AUDIENCE: Where? <br /> <br />MRS. HINZ~ South of L2ke Josephine there's 12 ?cres. <br /> <br />J.V1..R. REILING: That heppens to be ours, 2nd for your informa- <br />tion, weIll get $20,000 back ~here. We're developing that. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: I'el like to wake it plain. The city does <br />not do the developing. We m2rely put in the improvements at <br />the request of the o~mers. I think there's 0ne thing we have to <br />2cknowledge. We cannot go on all0wing or expecting - letls <br />put it this way - expecting private owners to go on paying taxes <br />on th2 property, and quite a nurrber of years ago same of these <br />people came bef0re us 2nd told us the amount theyld paid in <br />taxes on some of these lots over a period of several ye?rs - <br />paying scnitary sewer assessments which they gay they d&dnlt <br />p2rticularly 2sk for or need at the time and you expect them to <br />pay that to hold it open for us. Thercls only one other <br />thing and that is that ....",e }:;uy it., and I ronlt know where ,the <br />money would come fran. <br /> <br />MRS. HIN~: I do own a back lot too. I'll be suffering a <br />108s. We just bought it at a good price and really I couldnlt <br />2fford to hang on to it and I don't want it developed, so it <br />would be me going (inaudible) to the city ,so t.h?t Reiling, vlho <br />owns such a large parcel, can get his few extra thousand. I'd <br />just as soon see it be (inaudible) so it can be open space. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS~ The city would hove to buy the property <br />in order to keep it open. <br /> <br />-25- <br />