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<br />MAYOR DEMOS: - meeting after meeting, hearing after <br />hearing, and they changed the priorities fram time to <br />time. There were multiple hearings. <br /> <br />MR. NOSBISH: I understand Roseville said welre going to <br />get a big revenue coming in. Some day weIll be all concrete and <br />asphalt, and then what will we do. 1 feel, just let the water <br />run like it is now out here. We save everybody ~ lot of money <br />by not putting in 1-hese assessments, except for one certain <br />person, and 11m definitely against this, and welre just going to <br />over-populate. I just think it's wrong, and that's my own <br />opinion, and if therels some way I can fight it, I certainly <br />am going to. You may not like it - 1 can see by your faces. <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN GRAUEL: Let me ask you a question, if I may. <br />You c~n believe me when I say 11m not any champion of George <br />Reiling, but I respect him as being a property owner in this <br />community. The very property that you Ire ~tanding on - or where <br />this building is build on - was acquired from him, and it went <br />through condemnation, and 1 just Eespect him as a businessman <br />because he feels that he knows the value of the land that he <br />owns. If you put yourself in his position, or anyone of you <br />that are opposing this, and say that you have, say, 25 or 30 lots <br />that you donlt have 0 street that you can gain access to and <br />egress eo and from, and youlre paying these taxes on individual <br />lots. I donlt think this is a feir position to be in either. <br />This is not a re-zoning from any R-l er R-2 or any o~her of our <br />seven zoning classifications. This is for single family resi- <br />dential property development here the same as any property that <br />you people have in the area, and I donlt think that hels coming <br />in and asking for something thatls unreasonable. 11m sure if hels <br />going to pay $20,000 - or expect $20,000 or $25,000 for these <br />lots, you will have to put up some pretty nice single family <br />residential homes and itls not going to degrade the property <br />around it, and by and large, What 11m hearing tonight is every- <br />body, because theylre in ~he drainage area, is opposed to the <br />$295 assessment which everyone of us (inaudible). <br /> <br />MR. NOSBISH: 11m opposed ro ~7,OOO. <br /> <br />31- <br />