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<br />COUNCILMAN GRAUEL: Moyce you :Jon It- went that benefit. at <br />this time, and I cC'ln unc1erstc.nd tha+ ;boo, ['utn 70% in this <br />community have paid for storm sewers and in Rome of those storm <br />sewer assessments only ~O% has to be charged ag?inst the im- <br />provement by law so on the tax that you're paying (inaudible) <br />something less than twelve cents out of every dollar you pay in <br />Roseville. youlve paid for all t-he storm sewer and street <br />and improvement~ that h?ve gone into the community, and this <br />is the point I Gon't under~tcnd. All welre talking about is <br />the $295. No'Body wants the $2S:5, but everybody has pC"id for <br />it ond some people that. have paid 100% of the asse"3srnents like <br />what youlre proposing here (inaudible). I under~tand what youlre <br />saying and I respect your position on it, but what hels proposing <br />is to develop this single family residential, and it's only <br />going to be fiDe buildings on e?ch p~operty. <br /> <br />MR. NOSBISH: And youlre speaking of "he" as one person. <br />One person, I can see that - if I was getting his kind of money <br />that he cOllld get - pie in the sky. <br /> <br />COMMISSIONER GRAUEL: The ouestion I put to you i~, if you <br />owned propert-ies in this community that have preliminary plats <br />or final plets end you're taxe0 on each of these lots as a lot <br />and you have to pay on individu?l lots and you canlt develop <br />(inaudible) He canlt get a building permit on anyone of those, <br />but year after year he has to stand the taxes. <br /> <br />MR. NOSBISH: And he had the option to sell his land at <br />$6,000 and he would have made a profit. <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN GRAUEL: The county would not ruy at that <br />figure. <br /> <br />MR. NOSBISH: I thought vou ~aid he offered $6,000 ond we <br />turned it oown. I d~nlt know whet he paid - maybe $100 an acre, <br />but he'll he making double or triple. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: Just a minute. I donlt think we have to have <br />any personal. snide remarKs wade to a soul. Letls di~cuss the <br />issue and keep it to that. <br /> <br />MR. NOSBISH: We hit a feother there. I think. <br /> <br />-32- <br />