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<br />COUNCILMAN HESS: If somerody wou11nlt have developed <br />the l~ts along OW2SS0, where would you be ?ble to build. If <br />somebody wouldnlt have developed +-hose lots on West OwC'sso <br />and Victoria, how woule you h~ve c place to build your house. <br />If this wasn't platted out, how could you have built there <br />previously. <br /> <br />MR. NOSBISH: All I knew, I was in Lot 74 when (inaudible) <br />from Roger Nelson. <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN HESS: That was 011 platted - ~o you had a <br />place to build. <br /> <br />MR. NOSBISH: Tharls really nice. <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN HESS: Shouldnlt he have the same opportunity? <br /> <br />MR. NOSBISH: Why don't you give him the opportunity <br />from Brenner on and lecve the rest of the people at peace. <br />There are so many things I wanted to say, but things are <br />getting - <br /> <br />MR. ANDRE: Mr. Nosbish, you said the city wanted it for <br />teX purp~se<:;. <br /> <br />MR. NOSBISH: That IS obviou~. <br /> <br />MR. ANDRE: Over the l~st five years this has been up <br />before the county board and the city has taken a position sup- <br />porting the county I s propl)ged acouisit,ion of this property every <br />year. Itls clearly established thet the city has made an <br />earne~t effort to acouire this property. <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN GRAUEL: There are at least three letters <br />on file in the county where Roseville has taken the position <br />to aC0uire the property. <br /> <br />MR. NOSBISH: Does Roseville own any of this property? <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: Just thG Valley Park. <br /> <br />MR.. NOSBISH: You saw the record of the taxes that <br />were paid - <br /> <br />-33- <br />