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<br />Do I get assessed not at all except the $295 if this project <br />goes through. The $295 drainage assessment 11m resigned to <br />because the water does flow back in there, but what about <br />the front footage assessment? Is this a special thing I <br />should take up with the Council after this meeting. <br /> <br />MR. BELL: I would doubt theyld assess you. You have a <br />peculiar situation. I would suppose the Council would decide <br />you couldnlt use the street back there. <br /> <br />MR. ALBRECHT: The engineer siad I could petition probably <br />either way and split it and pay the assessments if this is a <br />salable lot. <br /> <br />MR. BELL: I suppose you could get the street extended if <br />you wanted to pay the assessments. I suppose theyld accommodate <br />you. <br /> <br />MR. ALBRECHT: 11m sorry to see the whole area developed. <br />Itls one of the most beautiful in the city. If it has to be <br />developed, I want to put in a good word for the pond here. We <br />have been here 12 years and there has been water standing here <br />and I think itls a worse mosquito area now than if it was a <br />5 foot pond. This little piece here - whatls my procedure <br />for finding out what my options are. <br /> <br />MR. BELL: You'd almost have to extend the street to <br />facilitate it. <br /> <br />MR. ALBRECHT: There are 40 feet so there could be a <br />driveway put in. <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: If you contact our office if the project <br />is ordered in, and advise us if you wish to have that considered, <br />because we would have to develop utilities to you in the way <br />of sewer and water and you would be given the opportunity with <br />the rest of the people to pay assessments. <br /> <br />MR. ALBRECHT: It seems we could be in a favorable position <br />as to whether to pay the assessments or split the assessments. <br />I notice some of the younger people displayed great dismay about <br />the lots back here. I got the same reaction from my kids who <br />are in their twenties who said - oh, terrible - donlt split that. <br />rIm within 10 years of retirement. This wouldnlt be split while <br />we live there, but it might be that I retire a year earlier and <br />retire a year younger. Your perspective changes with age. 1111 <br />check separately on this because it appears itls something that <br />could not be decided on. <br /> <br />-40- <br />