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<br />MR. CLINTON SMITH, 3006 North Victoria (Spoke before: I <br />was wondering if there's any possibility if the people that own <br />the lot behind them can undivide the lot - making their lot one <br />continuous one from either West Owasso or from Victoria and <br />since theylve already paid assessments in one place or another, <br />eliminate the assessment on the lot behind them if they donlt <br />want to build there and only want one large lot. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: My first inclination is to say "no" because <br />there have been other instances when we had one existing lot <br />going from one street to another one (inaudible) where we did <br />make the assessment on the other side as long as itls a dividable <br />lot. If a house then straddled, say in the center of that lot, <br />then there would be adjustments made or relief of assessments <br />since that person co~ld not benefit, but my first inclination <br />would be to say "no". <br /> <br />MR. ROBERT BELL: You could go to the county and maybe <br />re-plat it. As long as your propErty abuts an improvement, <br />you would still be assessed. <br /> <br />MR. SMITH: If the font and rear abut an improvement, you <br />pay on both sides? <br /> <br />MR. BELL: It wouldnlt do you any good in this case. I <br />suppose you could aevise some set of facts, but on this case <br />you would pay the same thing. <br /> <br />MR. SMITH: I would like to thank the Council because I <br />know they worked very hard on trying to get the Open Space <br />through. I attended many of the meetings and I know they were <br />in there pitching all the way. I appreciate it. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: I think we did more than send resolutions <br />down. I know I went to meetings and not so long ago before <br />this was cut and dried I went to where the park and recreation <br />meets on White Bear Avenue and Mary Hansen attended most of <br />those speaking for the community. <br /> <br />MR. NORMAN ALBRECHT, 3069 West Owasso Boulevard: Mr. Bellis <br />comment about the frontage of the lots gave me a little cause <br />for concern. Can I go over the~e and point? Right there - that <br />thing right there gives me 40 fee~ of frontage. Our lot is a <br />single lot. Itls not platted as two. Itls one lot all the way <br />back and this gentlemen and two other people from the Engineer- <br />ing Department that I talked with said I would not be required <br />to pay an assessment unless we were to divide the lot in half. <br /> <br />-19- <br />