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<br />-2- <br /> <br />E- 2 Anderson M:>ved, Curley Seconded, that Nicholas Ensrude I s <br />request for minor variance to side YaI:d setback at 894 Transit <br />Avenue be approved. Roll Call, Ayes: Anderson, Franke, CUrley, <br />Kehr and DeIros. Nays: None 0 <br /> <br />E-3 Anderson M:>ved, CUrley Seconded, that George Feiling! s request <br />for minor variance to side yard setback at 2835 Fernwood Street <br />be approved. Roll Call, Ayes~: Anderson, Franke, Curley, Kehr <br />and Dem:>s. Nays ~ None" <br /> <br />E-4 Curley fuved, Kehr Seconded, that the City Manager be authorized <br />to sign an a:rrendrrent to the 1978-79 contract with International <br />Operating Engineers UJcal 49 f providing tor a uniform allowance. <br />Roll Call, Ayes: Anderson f Franke, Cur'ley, Kehr and ~s c <br />Nays: None 0 <br /> <br />&-5 Curley M:>ved, Franke Seconded, that the Mayor and City Manager <br />be authorized to sign the agreement with the State Plarming <br />Agency for the Central Park Tennis Court Grant. Roll Call, Ayes: <br />Anderson, Franke, Curley, Kehr and Cerros 0 Nays: None" <br /> <br />Curley M:>ved, Anderson Seconded, that the City Manager be <br />authorized to proceed with the sale and retroval of the city- <br />CMned houses at 2477 and 2::'11 Victoria. Roll Call, Ayes: <br />Anderson, Franke, Curley, Kehr and CeIroso Nays: None 0 <br /> <br />'r.'_6 Anderson M::>ved, Franke Seconded, that the City Manager be <br />authorized to sign an agreerrent with Ramsey Cotmty cm'A regard- <br />ing the Feforestation Project in Central Parke Roll Call, Ayes: <br />Anderson, Franke, Curley, Kehr. and Derros. Nays: None. <br /> <br />E-7 CUrley~, Kehr Seconded, UU:l.t the proposed increase in fines <br />for rnisdeIreanor violations be approved and that the proposed <br />ordinance be placed on the ~Jul)l 10, 1978 agenda for final con- <br />sideration. Roll Calli Ayes Anderson, Franke, ('''urley, Kehr <br />and Derros. Nays: None, <br /> <br />E-B Curley fuved, Kehr Seconded, that Pesolution No. 6674 regard- <br />ing apportionnent of assessments: on the requested division of <br />properties by Ramsey County :be adopted. Roll Call, Ayes ~ <br />Anderson, Franke, Curley, Kehr and D=mos. Nays: None 0 <br /> <br />&-9 CUrley MJved, Kehr Seconded, that Rieschls 'favern, 2393 Rice <br />Street, request for renewal of bot:tle club license be approved. <br />:R)ll Call, Ayes: Anderson, Franke, Cur ley, Kehr and Demos 0 <br />Nays: None. <br /> <br />&-10 Anderson M::>ved, Kehr Seconded~ that renewal of the on-sale <br />malt beverage licenses for Ace IS 66, Mack Hotel, Midland Hills <br />Country Club, Rieschlis Tavern and I.aSenorita be approved. <br />Roll Call, Ayes: Anderson" Franke, Curley, Kehr and Derros. <br />Nays: None 0 <br /> <br />E-ll Kehr MJved, Curley Secondedr tha.t the licenses be approved a <br />Roll Call, Anderson, Franke IJ CUlley v .Kehr and Demos. Nays: <br />None. <br /> <br />NICHOLAS <br />ENSRUDE <br /> <br />GIDRGE <br />REILING, JR. <br /> <br />AME:NI:MENT TO <br />UNION CONTRACI' <br /> <br />TENNIS COURr <br />GRANT <br /> <br />CITY-CMNEJ) <br />HOUSES <br /> <br />CETA GRAN!' <br /> <br />MISDEMEANOR <br />FINE <br /> <br />RESOIIJTION <br />NO. 6674 <br /> <br />BOITLE CLUB <br />LICENSE <br /> <br />ON-SALE <br />MALT <br />BEVERAGE <br />LICENSES <br /> <br />LICENSES <br />