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<br />CIT I OF ROiSEVILLE <br /> <br />Regular ~eting of t.he Cj <br /> <br />CC'Jncil - A'Jg'2St 140 1978 <br /> <br />'lhe City Council rret on <br />merrbers present.: Ma.yor D. <br />Franke and Curley, <br /> <br />&:0ve dot,-~ ir>'i til tile fcl1clI.'I!' ing <br />n'~)H, CuunCCXr:E:li Arlael,Sor!. Kt'hr ,i <br /> <br />A-I Anderson rvbved~ Franke 5(-'conded" that m:J'J.lites of tru'~ <br />rreeting of July 24, 1978q be app.::-c'iled.. Foll CalIf Ayes~ <br />Anderson, Kelu:', FrankE', C'J.r ley and Dem)s 0 Nays N,':'f:€ ^ <br /> <br />B-1 Anderson MJved, Franke Seconded, that Michael aeay~::, <br />request for fi.l' plat at 244 MirUIE~SGt:.J: 1:><0:: t..'Ont.inued U):1;tU <br />the Council rreeting of AuglJi:et_ 28~ 1978 .Ron CaUi <br />Anderson, Kehr, Franke Ii Cu.:;:ley and [)enDS 0 Nays: None, <br /> <br />B-2 Curley fuved, Kehr Seconded, that Hell!} Przybella'E request <br />for preliminary plat at. 247 (~est County Road B .be apprGved <br />with the condition that the applicant provide dra:inolge ieaserrents <br />along the lot line through me rear of the pcoperty running in <br />an EastjWest direction; and that a public heacing be e.s'Labiished <br />for the final plat on Septerrber no 1978 < Holl Call # kjes ~ <br />Anderson, Kehr, Franke, Curley and Derros. Nays ~ None" <br /> <br />B-3 Anderson M:>ved, Kehr Secondedv that Last; Frontier .Eestaurant's <br />application for on-sale liquo:r license at 2191 Nortl'l Snelling <br />Avenue be approved. Roll Call v Ayes ~ Anderson ~ Kehx r; Franke, <br />Curley and Derros. Nays: None. <br /> <br />B-4 Kehr ~ved, F'ranke Secondedy that Dayton Development Carrpany!s <br />request for final plat at 1705 8TH 36 be cont,inued until the <br />Council of Septenber 11, 1978, Poll Call, Ayes~ <br />Anderson, Kehr y Franke, Curley and Demos, Nays ~ None 0 <br /> <br />C-l Curley fuved, Anderson Seconded, that a Council WOrk Session <br />be established for 6~30 PoM" I Wednesday, August 23, 1978~ at <br />the Roseville City Hall for purposes of reviewIng pre1.iminary <br />budget estinates and related polic:y questjons. Roll CaLIt, .Ayes~ <br />Anderson, Kehr, Franke, Curley and Derros. Nays ~ None. <br /> <br />E-l Cur ley fuved, Kehr Seconded, that Richard Hof frn.:mo ~'T fl,;"qUP._St <br />for minor variance to side yard setback at 804 West Se;~tant <br />Avenue be approved. FoIl Call, Ayes~ AndelCSO!1, Kene, F'tankcu <br />Curley and Derros. Nays;; None. <br /> <br />E-2 Anderson Moved, Kehr ,8econdedj that Gordon Stutzman's request <br />for minor variance to side yard setback at 3043 Sandy HClOk Drive <br />be approved. PDll Call, Ayes. ~ Anderson, Kehr "Franke y Curley <br />and Derros. Nays: None. <br /> <br />E-3 Kehr MJved, Anderson Seconded, that Joseph Malsami s [cequest for <br />division of lot at 2749 Woodbridge Avenue be approved. Roll CaIlo <br />Ayes: Anderson, Kehr,Franke~ Curley and De:rros.. Nays~ None, <br /> <br />7:30 P.M. <br /> <br />MINUI'ES <br /> <br />MICHAEL JERRY <br /> <br />HENRY PRZYBELIA <br /> <br />lAST FRONI'IER <br />RESTAURANI' <br /> <br />DA.Y'IDN <br />DEVEWPMENr <br />COMPANY <br /> <br />COUN:IL ~RK <br />SESSION <br /> <br />RICHARD HOFFMAN <br /> <br />OOROON STUl'ZMAN <br /> <br />JOSEPH MAISAM <br />