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<br />-2- <br /> <br />E-4 AndersonMovedj Franke Seconded, tbat a public hearing be <br />established for &epterrbEcJ 11 if l'li "f8 c en Tie5<_ 6. St€\/ensrequest <br />tor rezoning t.rom R-l to B-Ia,t i 840 North ~exi.ngton .A'..'f:'rare <br />Ibll Call, Ayes ~ Anderson Ii Kehr Ii F't dloke 0 CIL;,r ley and D2:Jrr0s 0 <br />Nays ~ None. <br /> <br />E-5 CUrley ~ed~ Franke Seconded, ap.plCovtng the preLimi,.nary plat <br />and that a public hearing be establLshed for Sept.errbeJl: 11, 1978 <br />on David Westlund!s request folt." rezoning from R-l to .R-2, final <br />plat and variance to setback at 305]. Ol.d Highway 8 for September 11j <br />1978,. Roll Call, Ayes~ Arldelsan, KehlR Franke" Curley and Demoso <br />Nays ~ None. <br /> <br />E-6 Franke MJvedj Anderson Seconded" that a publ,;.,c hed,1.1ng be est- <br />ablished on Old fV.exico, lncc dba Pancho! 51' application tor on- <br />sale and special Sunday liquor licenses at. 1754 Lexington Avenue <br />for the Council rreeting of Septerrber 11 I' 19780 Roll Call, Ayes: <br />Anderson, Kehr, Frankeu Curley and Demos,. Nays: None, <br /> <br />E-7 Curley MJved, Anderson Seconded, that the City Atto.itney be <br />instructed to prepare an ordinance "irrending Chapter 2 32 of the <br />City Code relating to the Fire Departrrer.rc, Roll Call, Ayes~ <br />Anderson, Kehr, Franke 6 Cwley and I:e.mso Nays: None, <br /> <br />E-8 Anderson Moved, Kehr Seconded, trJdt the Cit:y' Manager be auth- <br />orized to sign the agreerrent with the Minnesota Department of <br />Health regarding the inspection and. licensing of c:ertajn fac- <br />ilities within the City of RosevUle, Roll Call, Ayes: <br />Anderson, Kehr e Franke, Cur ley and Derros 0 Nays ~ None 0 <br /> <br />Er9 Anderson fuved, Franke Seconded. that Resolution No. 6710 <br />appointing election judges and alternat.e judges for the Primary <br />Election on Septerrber 12, 19'18 and the Gener'al Elect:l.on on <br />Novenber 7, 19781' be adopt-eeL Roll Call. Ayes: Anderson, Kehr, <br />Franke, Curley and DeIros 0 Nays ~ None 0 <br /> <br />E-lO CUrley Moved, Franke Seconded. that Genevie\'''e HeIsl i 5 I'eqUest <br />for division of lot at 931 County Road B be referred to the <br />Planning Coomission rreeting of Septenber 6 i 1978 < Roll Call i <br />Ayes: Anderson, Kehr ,F"ranke n Curley and Derros 0 Nays: None 0 <br /> <br />&10 Curley MJved, Franke Seconded, that Gary Hillis request for <br />variance to front yard setback at 1992 Cleveland A\l'enue be <br />referred to the Planning Coomission ITeeting of Septenber 6 e <br />19780 Roll Call, Ayes~ Anderson v Kehr7Franke, Curley and <br />Derros . Nays: None 0 <br /> <br />Curley fuved, Franke Seconded, tha.t IXmald Lal:.son is .request for <br />variance to building and parking setback at 1695 Fernwood Avenue <br />be referred to the Planning Corrmission rreeting of Septerrber 6, <br />1978. Roll Call, Ayes: Anderson, Kehr , Franke, CuLley and Demoso <br />Nays: None. <br /> <br />TIESO & STEVENS <br /> <br />DAVID WESTLUND <br /> <br />OLD MEXICO, INC. <br />(PANCHO'S) <br /> <br />AME:NIM::NT TO <br />CITY CODE <br /> <br />AGREEMENT <br /> <br />RESOLUI'ION <br />NO. 6710 <br /> <br />GENEVIEVE <br />HELSI <br /> <br />~ HILL <br /> <br />OONAID IARSON <br />