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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
7/17/2007 8:59:01 AM
Creation date
2/2/2005 5:22:46 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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<br />11 <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: We're maintaining because it was built on a <br />{inaudible} design technique. I use the words permanent and <br />temporary. They're scientific. Their vernacular. It was a <br />road mix street, a temporary street. It was put in with the <br />expectation that it would be reconstructed in the future and <br />it's being proposed at this time to be constructed to meet the <br />city's current standard for a residential road. <br /> <br />MRS. CARRIER: Who made the standard? <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: When this was built it was done by the developer <br />and not the City. <br /> <br />MRS. CARRIER: Who says they have to be 32 feet in Roseville? <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: The City Council, and through the recommendation <br />of myself with the advice of other traffic engineers. <br /> <br />MRS. CARRIER: I'm still saying I think if you would recon- <br />struct the road, pull up what's there and put on a good surface, <br />leave it at the present width, and maintain it properly you will <br />save money. Maybe I'm wrong. I would also say the road got worse <br />this year with the trucks going back when C-2 was being done. I <br />also would like to address the point that the people on the west <br />side have been gaining while the people on the east side have been <br />losing because the road is on the improper place. I have never <br />heard anyone on the east side say anything. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: Maybe they didn't know it. <br /> <br />MRS. CARRIER: Then let sleeping dogs lie. I grant it's <br />City property and they have a right to do it, but I question your <br />right to assess property owners for something they don't want. <br /> <br />MR. BENNO SYDOW, 2750 Oxford: I live at the corner of Oxford <br />and Judith. I will be hit twice by this. I speak in favor of the <br />repavement. The road is in bad shape, especially on the north end. <br />You cannot get up that hill in the winter. We had friends come <br />and we had to help them get up the hill. <br /> <br />The cost is $218,000 for the project. What I'm concerned <br />about, and what they should be, is that costs are going up daily <br />in everything we buy. Can't we assume that possibly if we wait on <br />this project that instead of $218,000 it might be $318,000 and <br />the cost to the property owner is going to be greater. I plan to be <br />around for 20 years or so in this location and I would like to see <br />the street in. I have four children under six years of age and I <br />don't see where this street is going to increase the traffic. <br />The only people coming on the street are those that live here. <br />It's different with a Lexington being repaved and so forth. I do <br />speak in favor of the proposal. <br />
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