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<br />-4- <br /> <br />E-10 <br /> <br />Kehr Moved, Curley Seconded, that Resolution No. 71~7 <br />accepting the petition fo: ~r~ject P-81-4 and ~rderlng <br />the preparation of a feaslblllty report for thlS pro- <br />ject be adopted. Roll Call, Ayes: Franke, Johnson, <br />Kehr, Curley and Demos. Nays: None. <br /> <br />Kehr Moved, Curley Seconded, that Resolution No. 7138 <br />declaring the adequacy of a petition for Project P-8l-5 <br />and ordering the preparation of a feasibility report for <br />this project be adopted. Roll Call, Ayes: Franke, <br />Johnson, Kehr, Curley and Demos. Nays: None. <br /> <br />Kehr Moved, Curley Seconded, that the proposal from <br />Short-Elliott-Hendrickson and Associates to do engineering <br />work in regard to Project 81-4 and 81-5, plus any other <br />streets which may be included from this neighborhood, be <br />approved. Roll Call, Ayes: Franke, Johnson, Kehr, Curley <br />and Demos. Nays: None. <br /> <br />E-ll Kehr Moved, Franke Seconded, that a partial release of the <br />utility easement over a portion of Lot 9, Block 1, Stemper <br />Heights Subdivision, be approved. Roll Call, Ayes: Franke, <br />Johnson, Kehr, Curley and Demos. Nays: None. <br /> <br />E-12 Kehr Moved, Franke Seconded, that the Parks and Recreation <br />Committee recommendation regarding 1981 Capital Outlay be <br />approved. Roll Call, Ayes: Franke, Johnson, Kehr, Curley <br />and Demos. Nays: None. <br /> <br />E-13 Franke ~1oved that consideration of a policy allOl.ting <br />industrial revenue financing be continued. <br /> <br />Motion died for lack of second. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION <br />NO. 7137 <br /> <br />RESOLUTION <br />NO. 7138 <br /> <br />PROJ ECTS <br />81 -4 AtID <br />81-5 <br /> <br />EAS H1EHT <br /> <br />PARKS & RECREATION <br />CAPITAL <br />EXPENDITURES <br /> <br />INDUSTRIAL <br />REVErlUE <br />FHlArlCING <br /> <br />Curley ~loved, Kehr Seconded, that Resolution No. 7139 RESOLUTION <br />rescinding Resolution No. 6788 which disallows the use of NO. 7139 <br />industrial financing and provide for policy guidelines, <br />procedures and application forms which allow for the use <br />of industrial revenue financing. <br /> <br />Johnson r~oved, Demos Seconded, that the mot i on be amended At1EflDr'lENT TO <br />to provide that the policy guidelines limit industrial revenue MOTION <br />financing to industrial zoned property and that there be no <br />lower limit on the prime interest rate. Roll Call on amend- <br />ment, Ayes: Franke" Johnson and Demos. Nays: Kehr and Curl ey. <br /> <br />Roll Call on motion to adopt Resolution No. 7139 as amended, <br />Ayes: Franke, Johnson, Curley and Demos. Nays: Kehr. <br /> <br />E-14 Demos Moved, Johnson Seconded, to reconsider the motion <br />passed on r.1arch 23, 1981, that the Ci ty Attorney be instructed <br />to initiate a legal action against the Metro Councilor Metro <br />Waste Control Commission regarding the charging of suburban <br />cities for the treatment of certain storm water. Roll Call, <br />Ayes: Franke, Johnson and Demos. Nays: Kehr and Curl ey. <br /> <br />LEGAL ACTION <br />