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<br />C:TY OF ROSEVILLE <br /> <br />Special meeting of the City Council - January 26, 1988. <br /> <br />The City Council met on the above date with the following <br />members present; tson, Cushman, Kehr, Johnson, and Rog. <br />Members absent: None. <br /> <br />B-1 Kehr moved, Cus~nan seconded, that Resolution 8253, <br />ordering Improvement No. ST-P-87-12 and authorizing <br />the preparation of plans by October, 1989, be adopted. <br />Eoll Call, .z"yes: iJlatson, '=ushman, IZehr,Johnson, and <br />P...og l l\la'2rs: 2\~(,.1.if..:;. <br /> <br />Ivlatson mOI"2d, ,]uhn50n seconded, that Resolution 8254, <br />'Jrderin,;a Irnpr'ovement No. .3T'-P-/37-17 and authorizin9 the <br />pn=paration 'Jfplans by October, 1989, including the <br />pavinr,) of ,,"-.glen and Poma ver-sus patching, be adopted. <br />Roll Call, Ayes: Matson, Cus~nan, Kehr, Johnson, and <br />Rag. Nays: Norie~ <br /> <br />1('21:..l: lH':;''led, J(;hnson seconded, i:ha t Eesolution 82 ::;.:; , <br />ordering Ilnprovement No. P-88-02, Neighborhood 2G, and <br />a.t.ltllOl.~izllJ.\j th.e l)l'epar"at.lorl ::Jf I)larlS I l)e adclpted. P.() 1 1 <br />Call, ?-.1'8s: I"latson, <:::Llshman, XehI', and I.:T':.;hnson, Nays: <br />None. Abs1:ain: Rag, because he has an interest in a <br />propert:,;' affected ];y the improvement. <br /> <br />Kehr moved, Johnson seconded, that parking be pro- <br />hibited on the west side of Fry Street from Oakerest <br />Avenue C0 Fry Street. Roll Call, Ayes: Matson, <br />Cushman, Keh.c I Johnson, dnd R09. Nays: None. <br /> <br /> rHoved, ,Johnson seconded, that Resolution 8256, <br />ordering Improvement No. P-88-02, Neighborhood 14, and <br />duthoLizin'~ the preparation of plans, be adopted. Roll <br />.:all, Ayes: l\1dtson, Cushman, Kehr, ,-Iohnson, and :r;:o'j. <br />r>id~tS: 1~r..)Ilf2 '.. <br /> <br />Kehr moved, Cushman seconded, chat Resolution 8257, <br />ordering Ilnprovement No. P-88-02, Neighborhood 29, ami <br />au th()r: L::in<:J Ul€ l:nepa:cation of J:;lans, be adopted. Roll <br />Call, Ales: r'latsoI1, Cushman, Kehr, ,Johnson, and Rag. <br />Nays: None. <br /> <br />I'Iat,son rnoved, Kehr seconded, that R.esoll~tion 8258, <br />.]rdering Improvement No. P-.3S-20C, and authorizing ::1'112 <br />preparation af plans, be adopted. Roll Call, Ayes: <br />Ha tS()fl, CLL3hman, Kell.!., ,Juhnson, dnd R<'>9, Nays: N(Ylle. <br /> <br />Matson moved, Kehr seconded, that Resolution 8259, <br />ordering Improvement No, SW-85-20F, and authorizing the <br />preparation of plans, be adopted. Roll Call, Ayes: <br />[\Iatsc'il, Cushmafi, ;:;elll, JOIULSOll, :.ii":] F.:Jg. Nays: None. <br /> <br />7 ~ 00 ;;, 1''':I,~ <br /> <br />F.(')LL C-ALL <br /> <br />P.ESOLUTION <br />.3253 <br /> <br />PESCLUTI()N <br /> <br />8254 <br /> <br />F~E.s()LUTI C'il'~ <br />8235 <br /> <br />P ?RKING <br />PEOHIBITED <br /> <br />P,E,SCIL 7JTI ()~~ <br />8256 <br /> <br />F:ES()L ~JTI (:11-J <br />:3257 <br /> <br />RESCLiJTION <br />8258 <br /> <br />EESOLUTION <br /> <br />:3239 <br />