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<br />Special Roseville City CQUllCil I~eetln9 <br />,Jdnuary itl, 1988 <br /> <br />Matsen moved, Kehr seconded, that Resolution 8260, <br />prohibi tin9 parking Gn both sides of Eas t Cle"leland <br />,,,,"'7enue fn.:)j[l County Read C +:0 Fail'view Avenue, be <br />d.dopted. 1'.011 Call, ;~yes: Ivlatson, Cushman, Kehl., <br />,J OllilS011 f 6rJJj R,.)g '. :\~a~lS ~ l~()rle.~ <br /> <br />JC1hn30n mC1vec1! Ha tson seconded, that Resolution 8261, <br />'J[der iW] IlllprO?emen. t No. P -8 5 -18'':; and authorizing the <br />preparation of plans by October, 1939, be adopted. <br />Roll Call, Ayes: Matson, Cushman, Kehr, Johnson, and <br />EOr;!. Naj's: li,)ne. <br /> <br />,Johnson J:l':)ved, I':Ia tson seconded, tha t Hesolution :3262 I <br />{)i~(jeril1IJ Ifnpr()\Te2Eerlt: IJc;. .Svv-85 '...., 18G, a 11C1 aI..Lt:11()Llzin.\;:J <br />I:h'2 LHepara tion of f)lans by Gctober, 198::3, J.)e adopted. <br />Re'll Call, ";'yes: ;:.Iatson, Cushman, Kehr, Johnson, and <br />Rog. Nays: None. <br /> <br />,),)hnson moved, (.latson se..:;onded, that Resolution 826.3, <br />prohibiting pa~king on West 1-3SW Frontage Road from <br />Cleve land ?ventle to St. Croix St.r-eet, be adopted. R()ll <br />Call, Ayes; Matson, Cus~nan, Kehr, JohnSO!l, and Rag. <br />Naj:'s; None. <br /> <br /> moved, Ha;:son seconded, that Agreements 87016, <br />87C171 37109, 87020, 87021, and 88003 ])e approved, and <br />autho:rlzin<J the [/layor. and City I'Ianaqer to sign un J:::e'- <br />~na.lf of t~11e cll:l'"';, Ri)ll Call f A:i'es ~ ivIatsorl, C';..Lsl1jf~all, <br />F.elu:, ,.JOhl130l"l, alir.:.l E'.>:j. Nays: W.Hie. <br /> <br />Cushman !!lcl/ed, Hatsun seconded, that R.esolut::ion '5LOLt, <br />approving the plans alld author'izin9 :Ramsey County to <br />advertise and take bids un County State Aid Projects <br />62-648-12 dud G2-678-C7 (RQs~ville Project No. M-PM_87- <br />20) I be a.d::>pted. E<:.<:'l Call, Ai'es: Matson, CusliJndil, <br />Kellt, Johnson, and EO"d" Nays: Hone. <br /> <br />i:',:~1ge .;;: <br /> <br />F.E:SCjLUTICJl~ <br /> <br />............ r...... <br />,') ~ i'J{J <br /> <br />RESOL TJTI C;l~ <br /> <br />326l <br /> <br />F~ESC)L TjTI c:n'-T <br /> <br />....,..., .-,-, <br />''::' L. ij L. <br /> <br />F_EIS~,)LlJTI ')i~ <br />8263 <br /> <br />~eF,"\:iJE(:T <br />Ivl ,"" P - 8 7 ,.,~ :2 G <br /> <br />RESi:)LUTI'JN <br /> <br />.......... ,..- " <br />OLfJ"t <br /> <br />C....: 1(+2111' inc)\/e<l, J;:d~il1sorl secorlded, t11a t t11e SIJe{~ial (~Ol.irlc: i 1 IyIEETING DATE <br />i1eeting tr:) accept the 1m", bid for- a 00nd sale be C'HANGES <br />i>E;6(~11e,:lllle,j fr"OD1 F'ebl-11dL'}l 18 tc. Ff~bl-LlaI'Y 17, 1938; at <br />:1:00 1,). HI 10 i d.rid t:'!at. t:ll.e~ ',:\>Ull(;il \/ycJl-k SessiOll sc:lle(ltLlecl <br />f...:;! F;:=bl-Lt'dry .i..8Li<= L2sc'Ileduled to Feb.rual-~~ 17; 1983,0.1..: <br />5:0;] l')..ln.. E{(..Jll '=a~l" .A~~(e3: Ivjats(')flr ::'usl1111al'l, I'''_211Ir <br />JOllllson, cilId Rog. Ndj-S; Nune. <br /> <br />E"'~l F'.el11" lr\()\lf2(1,. Li'latS()f.:. s~.:,>..">ll<:.lelj, tllat l:l"le fl'::':'fi'l c,f :L>a.l11gi:el1, P()ST C,iFFIC,E <br />Sl!.a.c<ll':)~N~jarld ~J]Jall, =:1;,~. be Letair1ed "t() ,.:.;()rH.:lllct c..1J, irl SITE :sirZjI/.r.... <br />depth study on alternative potential post office sites <br />in R()Se\l il18. Rc)ll ':dll, Ayes: FeIn and Reg. Na.y 5: <br />r''!a tson I C'..lshman, and ~-rohnson. <br />