Townhome Association, 506 Lovell Avenue, to burn the wild
<br />Townhome Assn
<br />growth around the retention pond at the Townhome complex,
<br />conditioned upon compliance with the following stipulations: a)
<br />The effective date of the permit shall be from April 1, 2001
<br />through April 15, 2001; and b) the burn shall be conducted by
<br />acknowledged experts; and c) the Association shall notify the
<br />Roseville Fire Department at least two days in advance of the
<br />date of the burn. Roll Call, Ayes: Klausing, Maschka, Mastel and
<br />Kysylyczyn. Nays: none.
<br />C-3Maschka moved, Mastel seconded, to authorize the Fire Marshal
<br />Burn Permit
<br />to issue three burn permits to Ramsey County Parks and
<br />Ramsey County
<br />Recreation Department for burns at the following park sites
<br />Parks and Recreation
<br />during the following time periods: McCarrons Park, April 1 -May
<br />10, 2001; Reservoir Woods Park (sumac burn), February 1 ?
<br />February 28, 2001; and Reservoir Woods Park (grass burn), April
<br />1?May 10, 2001. Said permit to be issued conditioned upon
<br />compliance with the following stipulations: a) The burn shall be
<br />conducted by acknowledged experts from the Ramsey County
<br />Parks and Recreation Department; and b) Ramsey County Parks
<br />and Recreation Department shall notify the Roseville Fire
<br />Department at least two days in advance of the date and time of
<br />the burn. Roll Call, Ayes: Klausing, Maschka, Mastel and
<br />Kysylyczyn. Nays: none.
<br />C-4Maschka moved, Mastel seconded, adoption of a resolution to
<br />Resolution 9864
<br />acquire tax forfeit parcel 02-29-23-11-0036 for utility purposes.
<br />Acquisition of Tax
<br />Roll Call, Ayes: Klausing, Maschka, Mastel and Kysylyczyn.
<br />Forfeit Parcel
<br />Nays: none.
<br />C-5Maschka moved, Mastel seconded, approving cost adjustment for
<br />Cost Adjustment
<br />2000 Pond/Storm Sewer Improvements. Roll Call, Ayes:
<br />2000 Pond/Storm
<br />Klausing, Maschka, Mastel and Kysylyczyn. Nays: none.
<br />Sewer Improvements
<br />C-6Maschka moved, Mastel seconded, to approve the Saint Paul
<br />Stencil Storm Drains
<br />Neighborhood Energy Consortium?s request to stencil storm
<br />drains within Roseville that drain to Como Lake. Roll Call, Ayes:
<br />Klausing, Maschka, Mastel and Kysylyczyn. Nays: none.
<br />C-7Maschka moved, Mastel seconded, authorizing the Mayor and
<br />Agreement SCORE
<br />Acting City Manager to execute an agreement between Ramsey
<br />Grant
<br />County and the City of Roseville for the SCORE Funding
<br />Recycling Grant in the amount of $69,405 for 2001. Roll Call,
<br />Ayes: Klausing, Maschka, Mastel and Kysylyczyn. Nays: none.
<br />C-8Maschka moved, Mastel seconded, to approve the donation of
<br />Donation
<br />$1,000 from the Galilee Lutheran Church toward the purchase of
<br />a defibrillator. Roll Call, Ayes: Klausing, Maschka, Mastel and
<br />Kysylyczyn. Nays: none.
<br />C-9Maschka moved, Mastel seconded, that the following bills and
<br />Approval of Bills
<br />total amounts be approved:
<br />1297-1298$215.83
<br />8528-8595132,809.04
<br />8596-8678437,505.40
<br />8679-8795319,155.05
<br />8796-8818330,320.69
<br />8819-8834155,150.93
<br />8835-8928291,586.57
<br />8929-89383,130.30
<br />$1,669,873.81
<br />Roll Call, Ayes: Klausing, Maschka, Mastel and Kysylyczyn.
<br />Nays: none.
<br />
<br />