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D.Items Removed from Consent Agenda <br />E.Organizational Business <br />E-1Butterfield made a brief presentation. Maschka, Klausing, <br />Citizen Advisory <br />Goedeke and Kysylyczyn asked or commented about community <br />Commission Vacancies <br />outreach. <br />Klausing moved, Kysylyczyn seconded, to approve the <br />advertising of Human Rights Commission vacancies from <br />September 5 through October 3, 2001. Roll Call, Ayes: Klausing, <br />Mastel, Goedeke, Maschka and Kysylyczyn. Nays: none. <br />E-2Ed Burrell and Brenda Davitt made brief presentations. Jennifer <br />Presentation <br />Thienes of KDV outlined the CAFR, especially the transition to <br />2000 Comprehensive <br />GASB34. Goedeke commended Burrell for GASB34 transition. <br />Annual Financial <br />Report & Audit <br />Kysylyczyn moved, Klausing seconded, to accept the 2000 audit <br />as presented by the KDV firm. Roll Call, Ayes: Klausing, Mastel, <br />Goedeke, Maschka and Kysylyczyn. Nays: none. <br />Kysylyczyn moved, Goedeke seconded, to approve a resolution <br />Resolution 9923 <br />providing a transition for the City?s fund structure to GASB34. <br />Transition for City?s <br />Roll Call, Ayes: Klausing, Mastel, Goedeke, Maschka and <br />Fund <br />Kysylyczyn. Nays: none. <br />Structure to GASB34 <br />E-3Maschka, Jamnik and Kysylyczyn recused themselves due to <br />Ethics Commission <br />possible conflicts of interest; Acting Mayor Mastel presided. <br />Complaint Dismissed <br />Klausing moved, Goedeke seconded, to approve the <br />recommendation of the Ethics Commission and dismiss the July <br />3 ethics complaint of Mayor John Kysylyczyn against Finance <br />Director Ed Burrell. Roll Call, Ayes: Klausing, Mastel, and <br />Goedeke. Recused: Maschka and Kysylyczyn. Nays: none. <br />  <br />Klausing moved, Goedeke seconded, to approve the <br />recommendation of the Ethics Commission and dismiss the July <br />3 ethics complaint of Mayor John Kysylyczyn against City <br />Attorney Joel Jamnik, Roll Call, Ayes: Klausing, Mastel, and <br />Goedeke. Recused: Maschka and Kysylyczyn. Nays: none. <br />Klausing moved, Goedeke seconded, to approve the <br />recommendation of the Ethics Commission and dismiss the July <br />3 ethics complaint of Mayor John Kysylyczyn against Council <br />Member Dean Maschka. Roll Call, Ayes: Klausing, Mastel, and <br />Goedeke. Recused: Maschka and Kysylyczyn. Nays: none. <br />Klausing moved, Goedeke seconded, to approve the <br />recommendation of the Ethics Commission and dismiss the July <br />3 ethics complaint of Mayor John Kysylyczyn against former City <br />Manager Steve Sarkozy. Roll Call, Ayes: Klausing, Mastel, and <br />Goedeke. Recused: Maschka and Kysylyczyn. Nays: none. <br />Mayor advised public to refer to the Pioneer Press article last <br />week for his position on this agenda item. <br />  <br />F.Reports And Recommendations <br />F-1Janell Miersch, of the Rice Creek Watershed District, discussed <br />Rice Creek Watershed <br /> <br />