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City Council Ordinances
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Last modified
7/17/2007 9:03:49 AM
Creation date
4/22/2005 12:49:41 PM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Ordinances
Ordinance #
Ordinance Title
An ordinance relating to the installation, alteration, repair or service to gas burners, gas burner equipment and to portable or domestic incinerators installed in connection with gas space heating devices and vented into the same chimney flu; estab
Ordinance Date Passed
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<br />14.4 <br /> <br />SECTION 2 - 27 APPLIAi~CE PERFORMANCE: <br /> <br />The flue gas temperature as taken on the appliance side of the draft hood <br />shall not exceed 4800 F. above that of the air temperature surrounding the <br />appliance. The concentration of CO2 shall not exceed 9%, the concentration of <br />CO shall not exceed ~04%, the concentration of oxygen shall be not less than <br />4% nor more than 10%. <br /> <br />SECTION 2 - 27.1 METHOD OF TEST, GAS DESIGNED EQUIPMENTa <br /> <br />The rate of flow of the gas shall be adjusted to within plus or minus <br />two (2) percent of the required hourly BTU input rating at the manifold <br />pressure specified qy the manufacturer. When the prevailing pressure is less <br />than the manifold pressure specified, the gas rate shall be adjusted at the <br />prevailing pressure. The appliance shall be allowed to operate until the stack <br />temperature becomes stabilized, after which a sample of the flue products <br />shall be taken at a point in the flue aftel\ the outlet of the appliance but <br />ahead of the draft hood, and analyzed for carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and <br />oxygen. <br /> <br />SECTION 2 - 27.2 METHOD OF TEST,-CONVERSION BURNERSa <br /> <br />The rate of flow of gas shall be adjusted to within plus 5% or minus 15% <br />of 1.7 times-the calculated hourly BTU heat loss of the building in which it <br />is installed. The appliance shall be allowed to operate until the stack <br />temperature becomes stabilized, after which a sample of the flue products shall <br />be taken at a point in the flue after the outle.t of- the appliance but ahead <br />of the draft hood, and analyzed for carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and oxygen. <br /> <br />SECTION 2 - 27.3 <br /> <br />The various controls of the ~ pliance shaJ..l be checked by both inspect.or <br />and installer, to insure their proper operation. <br /> <br />~CTION 2 - 27.4 <br /> <br />Upon completion of the test o~ any newly installed gas burning equipment <br />as hereinafter provided in Section 2-27 and its sub-sections, the installer shall <br />file with the Gas Inspector, in duplicate, complete records of such test. <br /> <br />SECTION 2 - 28 INSTRUCTIONS TQ THE OWNER AND/OR OCCUPANT: <br /> <br />The owner and/or occupant shall be thoroughly instructed by the installer <br />as to the proper and safe operation of the appliance before it is placed in <br />service, such instructions to include actual demonstration to the customer or <br />his authorized agent of the processes of lighting and turning off the gas <br />burner. A printed set of instructions, enclosed in- an envelope labelled <br />"Instructions to Customer," shall be securely attached to the gas valve. <br /> <br />SECTION 2 - 28.1 <br /> <br />A metallic plate, suitable etched or stamped,- setting forth detailed <br />instructions for the safe lighting and shutting off of the appliance, shall <br />be permanently attached to the appliance in a prominent position near the <br />lighting apertures. The size of type used shall be not smaller than ten (10) <br />point and the wording contained thereon shall be subject to the approval of <br />the Gas Inspector. This plate shall also state make and model numbers of the <br />burner and show the rate hourly gas BTU input.. <br />
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