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<br />18~ <br /> <br />ORDINANCE NO. J.86 <br /> <br />An O!'dinancc Frovj.ding for the Establishment of e. Volunteer Police Department <br />and r.1.aking P:L'.les a1J.d Regulations for the Goverm:18nt of the same. <br /> <br />'rim VILLAGE COUNCIL OF roSEVILLE DO r;EPJ~i~Y OED1.HJ J\S FOLLCJ\JS: <br /> <br />Sec. 1 <br /> <br />Sec. 2 <br /> <br />Sec. 3 <br /> <br />Sec. 4 <br /> <br />There is hereby established in this Village a Voluntary Police <br />Department consj.sting of a Chief, one Assistant Chief, ~r;,d not <br />less than 6 nor marC' th2n I':: police offj.cers. The Chief, ':-lith <br />t~G ?1j)roval of the C01'.ncil, shall determine the nunber of members <br />of said department 1-Jit~in the limits herein set forth. <br /> <br />The Chief' of Police shall be appointee"" by the Co',-ncil. His tenure <br />of office shall be for itwo (2) years and until his success')"" Das been <br />duly. appointed except that his may be removed by the Council for cause <br />and .3.ftor a public hearing. Upon application by any T'8rson desiring <br />tOl b8 appointed a police officer, the Chief of Police shall intel"- <br />viell said [pplicant to determine Hhether he meets the Y' eq~Jirem8nts <br />necessary to b.ecome 2. police officer. The Chief of Police shall <br />subTIit to the ColUlcil his ~ecommendations and all applications stall <br />be passed upon and determined by the Council. Police Offic.ers <br />shall continue as members of the l)ppartment during good behavior and <br />may be removed by the COlmcil onl~r for c::n:se and a fter a ppblic <br />; pravided, that 1-1ithi!' the limits set fortl1 in Sec. 1 hereof, <br />the members of the Department may be redv.ced and in that event mem- <br />bers may be removed Hithout cause and 'T-it.hol'.t public hearing, but, <br />in such cass, members shall t' e removed in the invers.e order to their <br />seniority in t he department. <br /> <br />fllie Chief of Police and all members of the Police Department shall <br />pos E;eS2 the pm'Jer of constables at common 1a':J and s l'.ch pOllOrs <br />conferred by the Statutes of this state, and mall ha:70 p01:er to <br />pursue and arrest any re :r"son fleeing from justice in 8.ny lnrt of the <br />state; provided, hOl-lever, th:::.r no members of t he said Bureau of <br />Police shall go outside the li-rnits of t he Village in pursuit of any <br />offends::' or to execute any warrent or process exc'2pt in cases "There <br />an .:>l'fense is c02'lIuitted 1Jithinhe said Village. <br /> <br />The Chief shall have conr,roJ over all of the patrol cars and other <br />eq1..;.ipment of the Police Depa....rtment and shall be solely !'esrJonsiblc <br />for its care and condition. He shall ITI.ake a reDort, senli-annually <br />to t he Council, at its meeting in Narch and September, a3 to the con- <br />dition of the equipment and the naeds of the Police Department, He <br />shall be responsible for the proper training and disciIJline of the <br />membersof -l:. he Police Depa!'tment, and may sus~end any member for re- <br />fUR:'.l or neg18ct to obey orders pending .final action by the Council <br /> <br />(1) <br />