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<br />See. .~ <br /> <br />Sec. 6 <br /> <br />Sec. 7 <br /> <br />Se c . :5 <br /> <br />Se c. 9 <br /> <br />on <br /> <br />11-1" <br />....~....i...~ <br /> <br />discharze or retention. He shall r8)Ort each suspension <br />or a lneilil--,cY' of t,}1.8 Polir.~G D01=:iartlnent a.t trte f=_-est !"y-;:eting <br />Counc:LJ -P:)lloeJing suspension. <br /> <br />l\~" <br />0.'" <br /> <br />1 . <br />IJ,Ti, <br />+h" <br />I~ .:..' ~ <br /> <br />All Councilmen, the H2?Or :J.:;:}'j 211 members of tho Police -Dc1)artment <br />stall be officers of t.he ['32ce and may cO'illnand peace, SUp~)r8SS <br />ir: 2c .sumI.:qry JnaJ1Jler all rj otinl:': ."l.nd disorderly conduct-:-J ithin the <br />limi ts 0::' me VillaGe, and for such pU"Y'j.JOGC'3 m~y c;ommand the <br />assistance oi"-s.11 hystanders, and, if neces:ary, of' all citizens <br />'Jl1d 8.l1 COnllJ3.!1ies r)f the National Guard of Hinnesota, and ii' any <br />cU,izens, bystanders ,~ilH2r~r officer or rrivate of said Guard <br />s}lall refuse W'len so requited to maint-:;,in the peace, such person <br />shaJ.l forfeit and pay a fine of not to exceed Fifty ($50.00) Dollars. <br />In casos1,!h8re the military pOvJer may be required to S1xupress a <br />riot or disO}'c~C':dy cOl'cbct 01' preserve the peace, the Hayor, a <br />Councilmen, or a superior officer of t he Police .~'orce, if present, <br />shall "direct all proceedings, and if none such is present, t,'len <br />the 8:1perj or military officer ;;resent shall direct ,'111 proceedings. <br /> <br />No person shall be appointed a Folice efficer lL"lless he is 3.Il eleCDor <br />of the Vill", '=e, ab18 to read and w!'ite and "peak English, under 40 <br />ye ars of are and in Good health and physique, but. the l' tHO re- <br />quirements shall not;} )ply to the Chief or ~cssistant Chief of Police, <br />anc. .. he Council may waive sue)l last trrvc :requirements relative <br />to the appointment of Police Officers. Applicants :may be <br />r8qL'ire'.~ to S lJhmit to physical eX,c,.",in3tions "md such oxarnino.t.ions <br />as may be detc:~jllined upon b~r the Council or Ghief of Police. <br /> <br />The Chief shall keep in convcmicnt form a record of all accidents, <br />dist'lrbances, cri;118s, ar)'osts, and what action or d isposi tion Ttl:';.S <br />taken or ffi2(.'8 in 8 'lch case and sach other information as he may <br />deem advisable or as may be required from time to time by the <br />Ccunc~_l. <br /> <br />It shall be tl18 duty oF' the Chiei to provide for instnlcticJn r'2r:.ods <br />not less than once "'aoh month of"t lea::;t. one (1) ho'.lT's duration <br />for the :r::':)lice DepartJllsnt and to give the police officers instruction <br />in a]iproved meth(vJe:; of the enfo:rcen:ent of la1rT 2nd prev8nticn of <br />criJll€ . <br /> <br />In the absense or disability of the Chief, the Assistant Chief shall <br />perform 2:_1 the functions and exercise all of the :mtllority of me <br />Ch-~_8_~: . <br /> <br />Sec. 10 The members and officers of -I:,h8 Pel Dep3.l'tmen-l:, shall receive Gon- <br />pensation ClS folloviE:: <br /> <br />Chief, and Assistant Chief, "rhen acting as Chief, ;ipl. '75 per hour. <br /> <br />~ssistant Chief, 01.60 per hour; <br /> <br />Police Officers, $1.50 lEr hour; <br /> <br />(2 ) <br />