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<br />Sec. :11 <br /> <br />S~c. 12 <br /> <br />Sec. 1.3 <br /> <br />Sec. 1), <br /> <br />So c.. 1 S <br /> <br />Sec. 16 <br /> <br />183 <br /> <br />In cOlHr,uti!1r:; compeJl.salioll, 8lJfl (1) hO~1.:'''''3 shall')(:; constc.ered <br />2.;2 ;l,s F:inimLu', to':;(; ~)aid '3.ny police of:':'icer, The Chief shall C8r- <br />tifJ the i)3.:/roll and sl.'bmit the same to the Co'mcil fo-r> pa~:rment. <br /> <br />General Duties It shall bo the duty of the s.3.ic1 Chief of <br />Police and the poli2c officers; <br /> <br />To snf'orce all the lal-Js of the StJ.t8 of Hinnps~ta ar.d the ordinances <br />0" t. he Villa;;e 3.rr8st violato::'s therAof. <br /> <br />Report the condition 01' all punlic liGhts and sidm,j"0.1k3 and an;T <br />violation of the health 2nd sJ...."':itarv la,!s 2.nd Ora:l.n31CeS as well as <br />o:~ the r\.l~es and re=:'cl1,').tions 0:: the hm."e,~nl of health. <br /> <br />Report a,ll injuries t:J persons a.Dd property occurring through acci- <br />dent or 11.1"On the streets, alleys and p1.1nlic nlaces <br />with~_n the V ilIa E;e, ~.nc1 21I f'lcts re12ting thereto. <br /> <br />Report all materials or de1)ricl carelessly or FillfulJ;; left iT) the <br />'Jublic streets, alle~'s and public pIc.ces uhich Hill in any "'Tey <br />impede pu1)lic travel or cause 2~y exnensc to the iJilh ge for t.he <br />removal thereof. <br /> <br />The elliei' of Police rnay orovide for the s3.1e, cbstruction or other <br />disnosi tion of ,,11 l-Jeapons, a'), jJnplements and othe.,., a:ct.icles <br />used in t he commission of crill".:: or camin;: into the cust:.ody of the <br />Police Department; provided, hO'iJever, thatr,flc:re s'J('h may be usee.: <br />as 8vid::;nce in either a ci 1Til 0:' criF-rtr>al }'roceedinc:, th e SR1!'e '1 r1all <br />in no T'TC.~T be dis}"osed of e~'cspt, upon a I'Tritten order of the court,. <br /> <br />vvr18l'e lost or stolC'n property shall come into .l':c hands 0 ;'aid <br />lolice Ucna-rt.ment, aE:l be not clp.im2c1, :i.dentif'ied., or the true <br />aI-mer be not f uLlnd, the COlmc:.l sh~J 1 caU3C the BC?1ne t.o be ,,;old ]'y <br />inserting notice of such sale in t he official ~Ja.ppr, the sale being <br />made not less than tem (10) rl.c:.ys thereafter. The proceeds therpfroc,1 <br />s1:all be c1eposJJ;cd in the General Fund. <br /> <br />Any menher oJ' the Police Den~.rt.ment IJho shall '3.ccept from 2.ny per.'3on <br />ptdl_e in c1.1stody, or after he shallhtive h:en rl.Lsr::h8Y'[3ec1, or- :c'rcJ:: <br />:,'~j" saic' ~'::rsonsl f"';rmds, or frOrrcL:l~T ::,erson, :my gr8.tuit.y or <br />reen.rd, or TJho sha.ll receive fro'-: any )8r30r: TTithout thr. urittcn <br />consent of the C01.'.ncil any rsT.':;:cd for the 2..,.,rest of any person or <br />the recovery of 3TIY Goods, or money corr\ensat~o:1.fcY' :Ln.iuries <br />sustained, shm J tc :~;liH y or a mi,3cJempanor an:1 shall1:-e removed <br />froJr'l 8PC:~ 33r'jic2 and otl181\,yise .i_)l.lY'l.:tsl:c:""l. .Sl....crl ~.-\c;T::1.iss:i_on sl1all <br />be and constitute a permanent Dutlic "~ecord. <br /> <br />This ordinance ",10:111 take effect and ho in force froY''. em] after its <br />~assage anc~ ;xlblicf1t.;J::~ .?c''''',, to 10..1r. <br /> <br />(3 ) <br />