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<br />316 <br /> <br />of any dean animals, mannre, g'3.rbage, wc>ste, dec3~{ing m!', ground, <br />sand, stones, !'tshes, rubbish, tin elms, or other material of I'tny <br />kind on privete property; <br />10. Dense smoke, noxiollS fumes, g~s and soot., or <br />~inde:rs, in lmrec>sonable qUAntities; <br />ll, uffensive trades and businesses as rl~fined by statute <br />or ordinance pot licensed ::is provided by 18w; <br />12. All p'lblic exposure of IJersons having a contagious <br /> <br />€lisease; <br /> <br />13. The distribution of samples of medicines or drl1t.':s <br />unless snch s'llilples are placed in the hands of an adult person by someonA <br />properly licensed; <br />Ih. AI1 other acts, omissi ns of acts, occupations and <br />uses of propert.y whjch are dRemed by the boarrl of heal th to be a menace <br />to the health of the ihhabitants of the Vill.qge or a considerptle <br />number thereof. <br /> <br />SECTION 4 <br /> <br />PUBLIC NUISANCES AFFECTING hORfT/3 om DECENCY <br />The followin[:': are hereby declared to be public nuisances affect,int: p'Jblic <br />morals anel decencJT: <br />1. All gl'lmblinE detives, slot machines 'lnd punch <br /> <br />hoards; <br /> <br />2. BettinE, boolmlaking:, and 1'111 apparatuses used in snch <br /> <br />occupations; <br /> <br />3. All houAes kept for the purpcse of or <br />promisC'lloUS sexlJ8.J intercourse, gambltn[; houses, honses of ill fA,'De, and <br />bawdy houses; <br />4. All places int.oxicat ng liq'.lOrs are manufact- <br />ured, sold, bartered or Given away in violatjon of 1aF, or 1-vhere persons <br />are permitted to resort for the pllrpose of drinking intoxicatin[: liquors <br />RS a beverage contrary. to law, or where intoxic8ting liquors are kept <br />for sale, barter or distribution in violation of law, and all liq'~ors, <br />bottles, kegs; pmnps. bars and other Droperty kept?t and used for ma-ln- <br />taining such a place. <br />S. Any vehicle 'lsed for the il1eg,q} transportation of <br />iYltoxj liquor or any irunoral pl'.rpose. <br />6. All inde~ent or obseene pictures, bc;ob" pBlJ1phlets, <br />magazines, ,meI newsp2pers and bHlbo2r6.s; <br />7. The public use of profane or obscehe langJl.a,a,e; <br />F\. The looking :into or peep' ng throlle;h dcors, <br />l.vjndows, or openings of private homes by methods of ste21th '1nn <br />1.rithont proper authcrity ::md b;;r surreptitious methods, or what is <br />O'omrr.only known as IIwindo"VIr peepi ng "; <br />9. All other things) 2CtS, ommissions, or occupAtions <br />th3t may be considered detriment8l to the m0T'8.1 "\om] 1 hetnp- of the <br />inhabitants of the Villar:e or a considerableM.unber t.hereof. <br /> <br />SECTIUIJ <br /> <br />5 <br /> <br />FUEl,Ie NUISANCES <br />The following <br />s<1fety. <br />b\relve (12) hOllrs <br /> <br />A fi'FFCTIKG PEA.CE: ANDSA.FE'T'Y <br />are declared to be nuisances public peace ami <br />1. All snow and ice not removed from ~nblic sideitJalks <br />after the snow 2r:rJ ice h:ls ceased to be r1eDositerl thereon. <br />2. All wire s which are strung 1.PSS th::in fifteen (15) <br />feet 8bove the s1lrface of any public street 01::' 21 ley; ~ <br />