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<br />3. All b'li1chngs, walls, and otber st.ructures which <br />d~laged by fire, decay or othervJise to an extent exceeding one- <br />their original value or which are so situated as to enrlanger fue <br />the public; <br />)~. /111 explofdves, infl,gmrnable liquids and other dangerous <br />sllbstance s or materials storec1 or A.CC1lnlnJ9 ted in 3-ny manner or in :my <br />emount other than that provic'led by law or ordinance; <br />5. All use or displA.Y of fireworks except as provided by <br />l2w or ordinpnce; <br />6. All nnnecessE'rY noises AIld annoying vibrations; <br />7. All build~_ngs and all 21ter0,"tions to buildiDgs made <br />or erected in vio1Eltion of fire ordinances manner and m8,terj 818 <br />And construction; <br />8. Obstructinns 2nd excavations'lffecting the ordinary use / <br />of the public of streets, at leys, 8idel'ITal:{s or puhlic grounr1e, except under <br />such condi+,i\,ns as are provided by ordinance, cmd any other excavations <br />left unprotept,ed ot' uncovet'ed indefini te ly or a 11ov.Te0. to exi st in such <br />manner as t~'rttract minor child-ren; <br />9. Radio aerials strung or erected in any manner exceflt, <br />that flrovided by law or ordinqnce; <br />10. The piling, storin€;, or keeping of old machinery, wrecked <br />or junked vehicles, And other junk or debris; <br />11. Any use of property abuting on a public street or <br />sidew111k, or any use of ,q public street or ~idevJPlk, Hhicn canses large <br />crmJds (of peoplA to [':3ther, obst,ructinE': traffic anrl the free llse of <br />pu1jc streets or sirlevJalks; <br />12. Al} hangin2: sia'Ds, awninzs anrl other sill iJ ar structure s <br />over public streets or sidel.;f111kp, or so situateS. as to enrlpnger public <br />safety, not constructed ann maintained as provided by 19.1,7 or orctinance, <br />or without proper permit; <br />13. The aJlovTinc of Y'['in, water, ice or sno'tJ to fall from <br />on <my public street or sidew'1lk OY' to flo..;r ?cross any- public <br /> <br />818 <br /> <br />h?ve been <br />'1) <br />half (2 <br />safety of <br /> <br />any buildj ne: <br />side"181k; <br /> <br />II_f, l'11 <br />property in any public <br />property !-'l_S to attr'3.d <br />IS. 'rl1e <br />law or ordinance; . <br />16. lhrow5ng, dropping, or nO" pr:i nted mattAr, paper, <br />or any other materbJ or objects over the city from AIl. airpl!me, balloon <br />or other aircraft, or in fmch [l manner, 91l to caclSe such rrater:L21 to fall <br />or l~nd in the Village; <br />17. Placing entr3Dce culverts, or doing any ~:tct which <br />may altAr or affect +,he c1rainage of puhlic streets, or alleys or the <br />surface or grade of puhlic streets, alleys, or sidewalks without proper <br />permit; <br />18. Naking repRirs to motor ve"h:icles, or tires in public <br />-=:treets c-r nJleys, excepting only emerc;ency repp.i1's when it, 1.vil1 not lmduly <br />impede or interfere with tr"lJ'fic; <br />19. Throwing, placing, depositing, or burn5ng le2.ves, <br />tresh, la"l-Tn clippings, weec1s, grass, or ether materjal in the streets, <br />alleys, or gutters; <br />20. Erectine, p~inting or placing of lmauthorized tr?f'fic <br />signs or aavertjsing signs i~ streets, or alleys or on sidewplks; <br />21. All unnecess?ry interference ann. distlJrbance of r~dios <br />or TV sets c2'lsecl by defective electric'11 appliances ,qnd equipment or <br />improper operation +,11e1'eo1'; <br /> <br />dangerous, t:.ngr~ded machtner;r ,equipment, or other <br />place, or 80 situated or operated on priv~te <br />minor C}-Iildren; <br />distributing of <br /> <br />h811cJbills except as provided by <br />