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<br />ROSEVILLE ORDINANCE NO. 216 <br /> <br />"~347 <br />,.. <br /> <br />PAGE ... <br /> <br />electric service shall be placed in rear-line <br />easements when carried on overhead poles. <br /> <br />(2) Where telephone, electric and gas <br />service lines are placed underground eUa <br />tirely throughout a subdivided area, con- <br />duits or cables shall be placed within <br />easements or dedicated public ways, in a <br />manner which will not conflict with other <br />underground services. Further transformer <br />boxes shall be located so as not to be <br />hazardous to the public. All drainage and <br />underground utility installations which <br />traverse privately-owned property shall be <br />protecte(l by easements. <br /> <br />"'-""\ <br /> <br />SECTION II. <br /> <br />Defore a final plat is approved by the <br />Village Council, the owner and subdlvider <br />of the land covered by said plat shall exe- <br />cute and submit to the Council an agree- <br />ment, which shall be binding on his or <br />their heirs, personal representatives and <br />assig-ns, that he will cause no priva.te COIl- <br />structi,Ct1 to be made on said plat or file <br />or cause to be filed any application for <br />building permits for such constructio'n, un- <br />til aU improvements required under this <br />ordinance have been made or arranged for <br />in the 11lanner following as respects the <br />streets to which the lots sought to be con. <br />structed on have access. Prior to the mak. <br />il1g of such required improvements, the <br />owner or subdivider shall deposit with the <br />Village Clerk in an amouut equal to OoIle <br />and one-haH (10) times the Village Engin. <br />eer'S estimated cost of such improvements, <br />either <br /> <br />(a) cash, or <br /> <br />(b) an indemnity bond, with snreties <br />satlstactory to the village, conditioned upon <br />the paYlnent ot all construction costs in- <br />curred by the village in the making of <br />such impi ovements, and all expense incur. <br />red by the viJlage for engineering and le- <br />gal kes and other incidental expense in <br />connection with the making of! such im- <br />provement. Such bond shall also be condi. <br />tioned upon the payment of all costs of the <br />street grading, and, it elected to be done <br />by the owner or subdivider, the laying of <br />the sub. base, to the same extent as a bond <br />furnished pursuant to MSA 574.26. <br /> <br />All such improvements shall be made <br />in accordance with the plans and speciii.. <br />c.ations prepared by J and under the super- <br />viSIOn 01 the Village Engineer, and in ac. <br />cordance with appaca,ble ordinances. Sub. <br />jeet to such condlticns, the owner or sub. <br />divider shall do 01' cvutract for the nec.::s. <br />sary grading. tie may also, at his election, <br />do ur l:ontract for the laying of the re- <br />quired sub- base. AU other Improvements <br />sn.1I be I10ne by the Village, eIther under <br />cvn::;truction contracts, pursuant to com- <br />petItive bidding, or Whel"e lawful, in the <br />discretion of the Village, by day Jabor. In <br />the event of a cash deposlt, any balante reM <br />luaining shaH be retunded to the owner <br />and suodivider after payment of all costs <br />aud expenses of the Village and the sub- <br />mission of appropriate eVJdence that all <br />cost of grading andj.or laying of sub-base <br />have been paId. At the discretion of the <br />Village, part of said cash deposit may be <br />reJUl1ded upon a proper showing that the <br />gradmg and/or the laying of the sub-base <br />have been properly completed and the costs <br />thereof paid. <br /> <br />It is not the intent of this section that <br />the owner or subdivider n1ust at one time <br />develop tbe entire plat by the making of <br />all the required improvements but no build. <br />ing permits will be granted except as to <br />lots having access to streets on which the <br />required improvements have been made or <br />arranged for by cash deposi t or bond as <br />above provided. <br /> <br />SECTION 12. <br />INSPECTION AT SUBDIVIDERS <br />EXPENSE <br /> <br />All required land improvements to be in. <br />stalled under the PI'ovisio'l1s of this ordin. <br />ance shaH be inspected during the course <br />of construction by the Village Engine~r or <br />an inspector appointed by the VIllage <br />Council. Salaries and all costs pursuaut <br />thel eta shall he paid by the. owner or sl!b- <br />divider in the manner prOVided In SectlOn <br />II. <br /> <br />SECTION 13. <br />BUILDING PERMIT <br /> <br />1\~o huilding permIt shall bf" lssuert by <br /> <br />any governing official for the construction <br />of any building, structnre or improvement <br />to the land or any lot within a subdivision <br />as defined herein which has been approved <br />for platting, until all requirements of thi s <br />ordinance have been fully complied with. <br /> <br />SECTIO'< J 4. <br />OCCUPANCY PERMIT <br /> <br />No occupancy permit shall be granted <br />by any governing official for the use of <br />any structure within a subdivision approved <br />for platting or re-platting until reqnired <br />utility facilities have been installed and <br />made ready to service the property and <br />that roadways providing access to the sub- <br />ject lot or lots have been constructed, or <br />that are in the cour~e of construction a.nd <br />are suitable for car traffic. <br /> <br />SECTION 15. <br />VARIATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS <br /> <br />The Planning Commission may recom. <br />mend variations from these requirements <br />in specific cases which, in its opinion, do <br />not affect the general plan or the iutent <br />of this ordinance. Such recommendations <br />shall be communicated to the Village Coun. <br />cil in writing, substantiating the reC0l114 <br />mended variation. The Village Council may <br />approve val iations from these requirements <br />in specific cases which, in its opinion, do <br />not adversely affect the general plan and <br />spirit of this ordinance. <br /> <br />SECTION 16. <br />RECORD OF PLATS <br /> <br />All of such plats of subdivisions, after <br />tl1e same have been submitted and approved <br />as provided in this ordinance, Shllll be <br />filed and kePt by the Village Clerk among <br />the rccDrds of the Village of Rosevil1e. <br /> <br />SECTION 17. <br />VALIDITY <br /> <br />If any section, subsection, sentance, <br />clause or phrase of this ordinance is ior <br />any reason held to be invalid, such deci- <br />sion shall not affect the validity of the <br />remaining portions of this ordinance. <br /> <br />SECTION 18. <br />VIOLATION PENALTY. <br /> <br />Anyone violating any of the provisions <br />of thlS OI-dinance shall be guilty of a mis- <br />demeanor, punishable by a fine of not more <br />than One Hundred :Vollars for each and <br />every day that such violation continues. <br /> <br />SECTION 19. <br />ORDINANCES REPEALED <br />Ordinance No. 189, adopted April 29, <br />1954, and all ordinances or parts of ordin- <br />ances in conflict with the provisions of <br />this ordinance are hereby repealed. <br /> <br />SEGrION 20. <br />EFFECTIVE DATE <br /> <br />Tbis ordinance shall be in full force and <br />effect from and after its passage and pub- <br />lication according to law. <br />Adopted by the Village Conncil of the <br />Village of R,oseville, Minnesota, this 12th <br />day of June, 1956. <br /> <br />H. W. KITTS, Mayor <br /> <br />ATTEST: <br /> <br />B. H. HAMMERSTEN, <br /> <br />Jnly 5, 1956 <br /> <br />Village Clerk <br />400 slips <br /> <br />..... THE ROSE TRIBUNE ..... <br /> <br />~ <br />