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<br />PAGE <br /> <br />(2) <br /> <br />24 feet wide in commercial areas. <br />The Village Council may require al- <br />leys in commercial areas where ade~ <br />quate off-street loading space is not <br />available. <br /> <br />Pedestrian wavs shall be at least 15 <br />feet wide. . <br /> <br />(r!) EASEMENTS <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />Easements at least a total of 12 leet <br />wide, centered on real' lot lines, shall <br />be provided for utilities, where nec~ <br />essary. They shall have continuity 01 <br />alignment from block to block, and <br />at deflection points, easements far <br />IlOle-line anchors shall be provided. <br /> <br />Where a sulxlivision is traversed by <br />a water course, drainage way. chan. <br />nel, or stream, there shall be pro- <br />vided a stonn-water easement or <br />drainage right.of-way conforming sub- <br />stantially with the lines at such water <br />courses, tc-gether with such further <br />width or construction, or both, as will <br />be adequate {or the stonn water drain- <br />age of the area. <br />(e) BLOCK STANDARDS <br />(1) The maximum iength 01 blocks shall <br />be 1,800 feet. Blocks over 900 feet <br />long may require pedestrian ways at <br />their approximate centers. The use of <br />additic1nal access-ways to schools, <br />parks or other destinations may be re- <br />quired by the Village Council. <br />(2) TIlocks shall he shaped so that all <br />blocks fit readily into the overall plan <br />of the subdivision and their design <br />must evidence consideration of lot <br />planning, traffic flow, and public open- <br />space areas. <br />(l) Blocks intended for commercial, insti- <br />tutional ~!11d industrial use must be <br />designated as such, and the plan lUust <br />show adequate off-street areas to pro. <br />vide for ].arklng-, loading docks and <br />such otheT iacilities that may be l'C- <br />CJuired to accommodate motor vehi. <br />des. <br /> <br />(1) <br /> <br />(2) <br /> <br />..-1 <br /> <br />(4) \Vhere a subdivision borders upon a <br />railroad or limited access highway <br />ri.ght.of.way, a street may be required <br />approximately parallel to, and at a <br />distance suitable for the appropriate <br />use of the intervening lana: as for park <br />purposes in residentia1 districts, or <br />for parking, commercial, or industrial <br />l)urposes in appropriate districts. Such <br />distances shall be determined with <br />due regard for the requirements of <br />appraach grades and possible future <br />grade separations. <br /> <br />(i) LOT STANDARDS <br /> <br />(I) T11c minimum lot dimensions in subw <br />di\'isions designed for single-family' <br />Iktached dwelling developments shall <br />be: <br />("a) 85 feet wide at the established <br />building setback !inc--and, on <br />out:'iide street curvature!';. <br />(1)1>) not less than 60 feet at the <br />Inmt lot hne, <br />(c-c) not less than 110 feet in aver- <br />ag~ depth, and <br />(<1<1) not less than 11,00'0 square <br />feet in area. <br /> <br />(2) The minimum corner lot dimensions <br />fllr sing' detached dwelling- <br />deve:upments where permitted under <br />tllC z'-,r:ing OJ'dinance shall be: <br />(aa) 100 feet wide at the establish- <br />ed building setback line, <br />(bb) not less than 100 feet in <br />de[lth, and <br />(cc) not less than 12,500 square <br />feel. <br /> <br />(3) 'fhe minimum dimensions at the rear <br />lot line of any lot shall be 30 feet. <br /> <br />(4) l3'\1tt lots shall be platted at least <br />five feet wider than the avt;rage in- <br />terior lots in the block. <br /> <br />(5) At each street intersection in a busi- <br />ness area, "a diagonal building setback <br />line shall be established from distances \! <br />of 10 feet back from the corner to <br />allow for clear traffic visibility. How- <br />ever, this provision shall not apply <br />abewe the second floor level. <br /> <br />(6) All lots shall abut on a publicly dedi- <br />cated street. <br /> <br />.( 7) Side lines of Jots shalt be substantially <br />at right angles or radial to the street <br />line. <br /> <br />(8) ()ouble-frontage lot shall not be per- <br />mi tted, except: <br />(aa) Where lots back upon a thor- <br />()u~hf;-He. in which ca~e vehiK <br /> <br />ROSEVILLE ORDINANCE NO. 216 <br /> <br />cular and pedestrian <br />tween the lots and <br />oughfare shall be <br />and <br />(bb) Where topographic or other <br />conditions render subdividing <br />otherwise unreasonabfe. Such <br />double-frontage lots shall have <br />an additional depth 01 at least <br />20 feet in order to aUow space <br />for a protective screeuKplanting <br />along the back lot line and al-' <br />so in such instances vehicular <br />and pedestrian access between <br />the lots and the thoroughfare <br />shall be prohibited. <br /> <br />(9) Lots abutting upon a water course, <br />drainage way, channel, or stream shall <br />have an additional depth or width, as <br />required, to assure house sites that <br />are not subject to flooding. <br /> <br />(10) In the subdividing of any land, due <br />regard shall be shown for all natural <br />features, such as tree growth, water <br />courses, historic spots, or similar con- <br />ditions, which if preserved will add <br />attractiveness and value to the pro- <br />p<}sed development" <br /> <br />access be- <br />the thor- <br />prohibited, <br /> <br />SECTION 8 <br />PARKS AND PLAYGROUND SITES <br /> <br />It is the declared general pdicy 01 the <br />Vinage Council that in all new subdivisions <br />ten IJercent of the gross area of all property <br />:-;ubdi vided should be dedicated for public <br />use as parks and playgrounds. such ten <br />percent being in addition to the property <br />dedicated for streets, alleys or other public <br />ways. The area required to be dedicated <br />hereunder should be either usable area or <br />area which can be put into usable condi- <br />tion by the subdivider. The varyin.g size <br />of lots, the size of the subdivisinn, the <br />relation of the subdivision to the Compre- <br />hensive Plan, and similar factors will <br />have a direct bearinr{ on the desirability <br />of a:-:d the necessity {0f such dedication as <br />well as the size of the parcel or parcels to <br />. be dedicated. It is within the discretion of <br />the ViHage Council with the assistance of <br />the Planning Commission to interpret these <br />regulations in the ligbt of the over-all plan <br />and pattern of park develor:ment, A c~:Joper- <br />ative interest between the subdivider and <br />the Village will aid in a~~isting to make <br />this achievement possible. <br /> <br />SECTION 9. <br />ACCEPTANCE OF STREETS <br /> <br />If any plat or subdivision contains pub, <br />lic streets or thoroughfares which are <br />1h,ereil1 dedicated as such, whether located <br />\\--lthin the corporate limits of the Village <br />ofi{(JseviHe or outside thereof, or contains <br />exi:jling streets oubide uf said COl-jJorate <br />limits, the approval of the plat by the Vil- <br />lage Councilor the suusequent an!lexation <br />oi the propedy to the Village, shall not <br />con:'ltitute an acceptance by the Village of <br />such streets cr thoroughfares, nor of the <br />illll;I'U\'cments cunstl-uctt-d or installed <br />there~Hl or therein, irreSi)ective of any act <br />or acts b)' an officer, agent or employee <br />\)f tbe Village with respect to such streets <br />or iJllpl;JVernt:nts. The acceptance of such <br />streets or thoroughfares shall be made ornly <br />by the adO]ltion of a re:>ulution by the Vil- <br />l.,.ge Council after there has been filed with <br />the Villa~e Clerk a certificate by the Vil- <br />lage Engll1eer certifying that all improve- <br />l>lents required to be construced or instan~ <br />eel in or upon such streets or thoroughiares <br />in connection with the approval uf the plat <br />of subdiVIsion by the Village Council, have <br />been fully completeu and approved by him, <br />Of a cash deposit or bond is on file to inw <br />~l1re the installation of such required im. <br />l:rovements. <br /> <br />SECTION 10. <br /> <br />REQUIRED LAND IMPROVEMENTS <br /> <br />No lillal plat shall be approved by the <br />Village Council without first receiving a <br />report signed by the Village Engineer and <br />the Village Attorney certifying that the <br />improven1ents described in the subdivider's <br />plans and specifications, together with the <br />agreements and documents required under <br />Sectian I I of this ordinance, meet the min- <br />imum requirements of all ordinances in the <br />Village, and that they com[lly with the <br />foll(jwing: <br /> <br />(a) SEWERS <br /> <br />(I) Sanitary sewers shall be installed <br /> <br />~346 <br /> <br />to serve all properties in the subdi vi sian <br />where a connection to the Village lanitary <br />sewer system is available. or where detail- <br />ed plans and specifications for sanitary <br />sewers to serve the subdivision are avail~ <br />able. <br /> <br />(2) Storm sewers shall be constructed <br />to serve all properties in the subdivision <br />where a connection to the village storm <br />sewer systenl is available, ur where detail- <br />ed plans and specifications for storm sew- <br />ers to serve the subdivision are available. <br /> <br />(3) Where sewer mains are larger <br />than required to serve the subdivision as <br />delineated in the prelimmary plan, the <br />Village may elect to participate in the cost <br />thereof. <br /> <br />(b) WATER SUPPLY <br /> <br />Where a connection to the Villa~e water <br />system is presently available, water dis- <br />tribution facilities. including pipe fittings, <br />hydrants, etc., shall be installed to serve <br />all properties within the subdivision. \-Vater <br />mains shall be a minimum of six inches <br />in diameter and where h..rger nIains are <br />required to serve future growth, the Vil- <br />lage may elect to participate in the cost <br />therecl. <br /> <br />(c) STREET GRADING <br /> <br />The full width of the right-of-way <br />shall be graded, including the subgrade uf <br />the areas to be paved, in accordance with <br />the plans prepared by the Village Engin- <br />e~l' . and ill accordance with the applicable <br />vldlllances for street construction of the <br />Village of RoseviIle. <br /> <br />(d) STREET IMPROVEMENTS <br /> <br />(I) All streets shall be improved with <br />pa vemcnts to an overall width in accord~ <br />ance ,,,,ith the follQwing minimum dimen- <br />siuns: <br /> <br />1 YPE OF PAVEMENT <br />SiREE'f WIDTH <br /> <br />(between lace of curb.) <br />Collector 37' <br />Minor and Cul-de-sac 26' <br />Marginal Access 24' <br /> <br />(2) Pavements in cuI-de. sac turna- <br />rOU1~ds shall have a mir;imum diameter of <br />80 feet measured from the outside curbs. <br /> <br />(3) AU pavements shall be cunstructed <br />ill accor~ance with the provisions of applic.. <br />able ordmances of tlIe Village 01 Roseville. <br /> <br />(4) Curbs and gutters on all streets <br />within the subdivision shall be constructed <br />in accordance with applicable ordinances <br />of the Village of Roseville. <br /> <br />(j) In congested traffic areas, or in <br />areas where the Village Council deems nec~ <br />essary for the health, safety and general <br />welfare of this community, sidewalks to a <br />width of not less than five feet, and con- <br />structed of Portland cement concrete, shall <br />be i:equired. <br /> <br />(6) Storm-water inlets and necessary <br />culve:.ts and dry wells shall be provided <br />within the roadway improvement at points <br />specified by [fle Village Engineer. <br /> <br />(7) All curb corners shall have a <br />radii of not less than fifteen feet-except <br />at collector and marginal~aocess streets <br />f)'~:I ~eet:'ey shall be not less than twenty- <br /> <br />(8) All parkways within the dedicated <br />sl reet area shall be graded and seeded in <br />an approved manner. <br /> <br />(9) Street trees having a trnnk diam- <br />eter (measured 12 inches above the ground) <br />01 not Jess than two and one-half inches <br />shall be planted alon.g all streets, where <br />trces do not exist, not more than 60 feet <br />apart. This requirement will be satisfied <br />and it is prelerable if an equivalent num- <br />ber of trees of the same size are planted in <br />a naturalistic way in the front yards of <br />the adjoining lots. <br /> <br />(e) ALLEYS <br /> <br />Where required 01' permitted by the Vil. <br />lage Council, alley pavements shall be con- <br />structer! of six-inch-thick Portland cement <br />concrete in accordance with the plans there- <br />fore prepared by the Village Engineers. <br />In residential areas alley pavements shall <br />be 16 feet wide and in areas zoned com. <br />mercially, they shall be 22 - leet wide. <br /> <br />(f) PEDESTRIAN WAYS <br /> <br />Where pedestrian ways are installed, or <br />required by the Village Council, Portland <br />cement concrete walks shall be constructed <br />to a minimum width of five feet. <br /> <br />(g) PUBLIC UTILITIES <br /> <br />(I) All utility lines for telephone and <br />