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City Council Ordinances
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Last modified
7/17/2007 9:03:53 AM
Creation date
4/22/2005 12:50:41 PM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Ordinances
Ordinance #
Ordinance Title
An ordinance regulating connections to the municipal sanitary sewer system; prescribing certain materials and methods to be used for said connections and prescribing penalties for the violation of same.
Ordinance Date Passed
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<br />.-. t: 8 <br />0,-) <br /> <br />Vitrified Glazed Clay Sewer pipe is used, it shall be at least six inch diameter pipe. <br /> <br />B. Joints and Connections <br />(1) Cast Iron Soill?:ipe <br />Joints for Cast iron Pipe shall be made by inserting a roll of hemp or jute <br />and thoroughly caulking it into place and then following with pure molten lead <br />well caulked, not Ie ss than one inch deepi. <br /> <br />( 2 ) Vitrified Glazed Clay Sewer Pipe <br />In joining Vitrified Glazed Clay Sewer Pipe, the spigot of one pipe shall be <br />carefully centered in the bell of the next pipe. Joints shall be firmly packed <br />with oakum or jute in such a manner as to not disturb the alignment of the pipes, <br />and in such a way to permit the compound to have the greatest unobstructed surface <br />for good pouring and adhesion. Joints shan be formed by means of a hotpoured com- <br />pound, using a preparation of "JC-60" or equal, and applied according to the manu- <br />facturer's recommendations. Jointing compound shall be completely resistant to any <br />acid or alkaline condition found in ordinary sewage and shall be immune to attack <br />by any chemicals found in natural soils or to soil bacteria. Care shall be exercized <br />in placing the runner or snake to assure non-leakage during pouring and it shall not <br />be reMoved until the vompound is sufficiently cooled to be permanently set. Joints <br />may also be formed by means of a cold troweling material using a peeparation of II <br />"kalktite," " sewertite," "atlastic-77," or equal. Pipes, before pouring, shall be <br />dr,y and clean. The jointing material shall be heated until it has become quite thin, <br />thus causing it to pour freely and smoothly. The compound shall be poured contin- <br />uously until the joint is completely filled, leaving no air bubble in the solidified <br />mass. <br /> <br />(3) Asbestos Cement Sewer Pipe <br />Joints for Asbestos Cement Sewer Pipe shall be made by use of the manufacturer's <br />joint, which shall include an asbestos cement sleeve, teg8ti1er with rubber rings which <br />shall form a tight and flexi ble" joint. <br /> <br />C. Grades <br />Unless otherwise authorized, all house sewers shall have a grade of not less <br />than 1/8 inch per foot. A grade of 1/4 inch. per foot should be used wherever prac- <br />tical. The contractor shall check grades before construction proceeds. Wherever <br />peasibie, the connecting sewer shall join the building at an elevation which is below <br />the basement floor of such building. <br /> <br />D. Alignment <br />No connecting sewer shall contain bends or a combination of bends which at any <br />point shall be greated than 45 degrees, and no more than two bends, regariB.l:ss of angle, <br />shall be permitted in any single house connection, except where manholes are con- <br />structed at such points and in manner as directed by the Village Engineer. No connect- <br />ing sewer shall be laid parallel to any bearing wall or footing unless further dis- <br />tant than three feet from any such bearing wall or footing. No connecting sewer <br />shall be laid within twenty feet of any existing well. <br /> <br />E. Trenching and Back filling <br />All excavations shall be open-trench work unless otherwise authorized by the <br />Village Engineer. The foundation in the trench shall be formed to prevent any <br />subsequent settlement of the pipes. If the foundation is good and firm earth, <br />the earth shall be pared or molded to give a full support to the lower third of <br />each pipe. Bell holes shall be dug to provid@i'ample spa<;e for pouri1!g o~ joints. <br />Care must be exercised in backfilling below the center l~ne of the p~pe ~n order <br />
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