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<br />-~359 <br /> <br />to give it proper support. Backfilling shall be placed in layers and solidly <br />tamped or packed up to two feet above the pipe. Backfilling shall not be done <br />until the section to be backfilled has been inspected and approved by the Village <br />Engineer. <br /> <br />F. Use of Old House Sewers <br />Old house sewers or portions thereof m~v be approved for use by the Village <br />Engineer. The Village Engineer may request that the old sewer be excavated <br />for the p~ose of facilitating inspection. No cesspool or septic tank shall <br />be connected to any portion of a house sewer that is also connected to the <br />public sewer. Where a connecting sewer is laid across or over any existing <br />cesspool or septic tank, the existing cesspool or septic tank shall first be <br />pumped clean and filled with earth to t..1.e surrounding ground level. Where a <br />sewer is laid across or over any existing cesspool or septic tank, only Cast <br />Iron Soil Pipe, conforming to the A.S.T.M. Standard Specification A-74-42, <br />shall be used for that portion of the connecting sewer which is laid ac~oss <br />or over the existing cesspool or septic tank. <br /> <br />G. Connections at "Y" ~nly <br />Every connecting sewer shall be connected to the muni:cipal sewer system at the <br />"Y" designated for the property served by the connection, except where otherwise <br />expressly authorized by the iillage Engineer" Where expeessly authorized by the <br />Village Engineer, all connections made at points other than the designated "Y" shall <br />be made only under tre direct supervision of the Village Engineer 8II'dtl..n such manner <br />as he may dire<C:t. <br /> <br />H. funneling <br />TunnelIng for distances of not more than six feet is permissible in yards, <br />courts or driveways of any building site. When pipes are driven, the drive pipe <br />shall be atleast one size larger than the pipe to be laid. <br /> <br />Section 4. <br /> <br />INDEPENDENT SYSTEMS. <br /> <br />A. The drainage and plumbing svstem of each new building and of ne\v work <br />installed in an existing building shall be separate from and independent of <br />that of any other building except where provided in Section 4-B hereof, and <br />every building shall have an independent connection with a public sewer when <br />such is available. <br /> <br />B. 1rJhere one stands to the rear of another building' ohan interior lot <br />and no priVate sewer i$ available or can be oonstructed to the rear building through <br />an adjoining alley, court, yard or driveway, the building drain from the front build- <br />ing may be extended to the rear building and the whole will be considered as one <br />building drain is extended, a cleanout shall be !2'ovided immediately inside the rear <br />wall of the front building. <br /> <br />Section 5. <br /> <br />REPAIR OF PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY <br /> <br />No connection to the municipal sanitary sewer system shall be finally approved <br />until all streets, pavements curbs and boule~ards or other public improvements <br />thereon have been restored to their former condition to the satisfaction of the <br />Village Engineer. <br /> <br />Section 6. PENALTIES <br /> <br />~nY' -person guilty of viela.ting an:'! provision of fuis ord~ance shall ,?e gu.~l~~t <br />of a misdemeanor and upon convictJ.on thereof shall be puru.shed by a fUle 0 <br />