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City Council Ordinances
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Last modified
7/17/2007 9:03:56 AM
Creation date
4/22/2005 12:51:22 PM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Ordinances
Ordinance #
Ordinance Title
An ordinance relative to the licensing of public dance halls.
Ordinance Date Passed
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<br />SECTION IV. <br /> <br />Fees. The license fees for such public dance hall licenses shall <br />be annually as follows: <br /> <br />Area less than 2500 square feet <br />Area between 2500 and 5000 square <br />Area between 5000 and 6500 square <br />Area more than 6500 square feet <br /> <br />$30.00 <br />feet $60.00 <br />feet $80.00 <br />$120.00 <br /> <br />SECTION V. <br /> <br />Non-profit Organizations. Any lodge or society not organized or <br />maintained for profit, desiring to conduct public dances without d:l taining <br />a license therefor, shall make application in writing for permission so <br />to do. Such application shall be in the form prescribed by Section II. <br />hereof in so far as the same may be applicable, and such application shall <br />be referred to the Health Inspector for examination and raport as herein- <br />before prescribed. In dase the Village Council shall deem it proper that <br />such lodge or society shall conduct public dances, it shall authorize and <br />direct the Village Clerk to issue a permit to such lodge or society authorizing <br />the said lodge or society to conduct public dances at the place designated <br />:in the application for the term of one year from the date of such permit, <br />unless the same shall be sooner revoked. Such :t::6rmit shall be kept posted <br />by such lodge 01' society in a conspicuous place in said dance hall. <br /> <br />SECTION VI. <br /> <br />Any person not having a license as hereinbefore provided, but desiring <br />to hold, give or conduct a public dance shall make application therefor <br />by filing with the Village Clerk, as the facts may require, a verified <br />application, satting forth the name and address of the person, persons, <br />commi ttee or organization who are to give, hold, and 00 nouct the same, the <br />time end place where such public dance is to be held, and the area of the <br />dance floor where the dance is to be given. The a.pplica.tion shall there- <br />upon be presented to the Village Council at its noxt meeting for action. <br />The Village Council may refer the application to the Chief of Police of <br />the Village for investigation and report before granting the same. The <br />Village Council shall thereupon act upon the application and either grant <br />or reject the same. In case the same is granted, the Village Council shall <br />fix the fee to be paid .by the applicant for such permit and shall direct <br />the proper officers to issue the same upon the payment of the fee and upon <br />payment of the oxponse of the irN estigatlon herein prcv:i.ded for in case <br />such investigation is made. The permit shall specify the names and <br />addresses of the persons to whom issued, the amOlmt pald therefor, and tm <br />time and place where the public dance is to be held. The plrmit shall be <br />pcsted in a public place in the dance hall described therein during the <br />time the public dance menttoned therein is being given, and the persons <br />named in the permit shall be responsible under the lay for the manner in <br />which the public dance is being held and ccnducted. <br />
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