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<br />- 2 - <br /> <br />SECTION 6. That said pipes and materials shall be so laid as not to <br />interfere except temporarily with the flow of water in any gutter or drain in <br />said Village. <br /> <br />SECTION 7. The Village Council may, in the interest of public safety and <br />health enact such ordinances as may become necessary for the protection of the <br />Pipes,' conduits, and materials of said vJater Company against ab~se or injury, <br />and such amendments as may be necessary to comply with the requlrements of any <br />governmental agency necessary to operate said water works system. <br /> <br />SECTION 8. The said Water Company shall lay down and. maintain standard mains <br />and pipes, said mains and pipes to be of such dimensions as shall comply with <br />standard engineer:ing practice and local ordinances, and adequate to secure sufficient <br />water supply for public, domestic and other uses. <br /> <br />,sECTION 9. The ".Jater Company shall erect without cost to the 5" :r.: 7' <br />fire hydrants with frost jacket, or equivalent, at such points and places in <br />the water works system as recommended and appr~red by the Board of Fire Underwriters. <br />If ordered br the Village Council, the compan~r sha.ll erect additional hydrants <br />but the fun cost of erecting the same shall be borne by the Village or by the <br />person to be benefitted thereby and satisfactory financial arrangements shall be <br />made to reimburse the company therefor before it need erect the same. <br /> <br />SECTION 10. The Water Company shall furnish to the Village water ~nthout <br />charge for reasonable and customary fire protection services only; the failure to <br />furnish such water shall not subject the Water Company to any liability when such <br />failure is occasioned by Act of God, strikes, riots., acddents or delays consistent <br />with ordinary operating practices, or repairs actually in progress. <br /> <br />SEC'l'IUN 11. Water furnished by said water company shall at a.ll times be <br />wholesome and fit for domestic, public and other uses, as the case may be, and <br />shall meet all requirements of the Hinnesota state Department of Health. <br /> <br />SECTION 12. If any section or porti en thereof of this ordinance shall be <br />declared null and void b'T any competent authority the remaining sections or portions <br />shall not be affected thereby. <br /> <br />SECTION 13. The rate to be charged for the furnishing of water to the private <br />consumer shall be a fair and reasonable one and shall at all times be subject to <br />the approval and regulation of the Village Council. <br /> <br />The Water Company may bill its customers on a quarterly or other periodic <br />basis and may require its customers to make an initial deposit of ~~20. 00. <br /> <br />The I!Ta ter Company shall beenti tIed to a fair and r.easonable return on its <br />investment based upon a reasonably efficient ann economical operation thereof. <br />At the end of each calendar year of the operation of said ..rater works, the Company <br />shall furnish to the Village Council a complete balance sheet and statement of <br />operations of said company for the preceding calendar year certified by qualified <br />public accounts, and the VillaGe Council may review annually the rate structure and <br />may order any increase or decrease in the rates herein provided for. <br />