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City Council Resolutions
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Last modified
7/17/2007 8:34:45 AM
Creation date
12/2/2004 8:16:57 AM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Resolutions
Resolution #
Resolution Title
Approving the vacation of frontage road lying between Midway Ford and Snelling Avenue and between Lincoln Drive and Terrace Drive
Resolution Date Passed
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<br />Line 2. Beginning at a point on the east line of section 4, <br />Township 29 North, Range 23 West distant 127.41 feet north of the <br />Southeast corner thereof; thence run westerly at an angle of 86 <br />degrees 42 minutes 34 seconds from said east section line <br />(measured from north to west) for 477.83 feet and there <br />terminating: <br /> <br />Line 3 . commencing at the Southeast corner of Section 4, <br />Township 29 North, Range 23 West; thence North (assumed bearing) <br />along the East line of said section 4 at a distance of 127.41 <br />feet; thence North 86 degrees 42 minutes 34 seconds West 483.33 <br />feet to point of beginning of Line 3; thence North 03 degrees 16 <br />minutes 50 seconds East 178.04 feet to point of tangential curve; <br />thence along a curve to the left 125.18 feet, radius of 500 feet, <br />delta angle of 14 degrees 20 minutes 44 seconds; thence North 11 <br />degrees 03 minutes 54 seconds W tangent to said curve 181.72 feet <br />to point of tangential curve; thence along a curve to the right <br />96.56 feet, radius of 500 feet, delta angle of 11 degrees 03 <br />minutes 54 seconds and there terminating. <br /> <br />And that part of the Southeast quarter of Section 4, Township 29 <br />North, Range 23 West which lies Easterly of Outlot C, Slawik <br />Park, Southerly of the Easterly extension across said Outlot of <br />a line 8.04 foot Southerly of and parallel to the North line of <br />Outlot B, said Slawik park, and Westerly of the following <br />described line: From the east quarter corner of said section 4, <br />run westerly along the east and west quarter line thereon on an <br />azimuth of 268 degrees 48 minutes 07 seconds (azimuth oriented to <br />Minnesota State Plane Coordinate System) for 75.0 feet to the <br />point of beginning of the line to be described; thence on an <br />azimuth of 178 degrees 41 minutes 56 seconds for 761.83 feet; <br />thence deflect to the right on a tangential curve having radius <br />of 5745.47 feet and a delta angle of 5 degrees 33 minutes 25 <br />seconds for 557.24 feet to a point on the East line of Outlot C, <br />said Slawik park, and there terminating. <br /> <br />Ramsey County¡ Minnesota <br /> <br />This vacation shall be subject to an easement for future light- <br />rail transit use on the following described portion of the <br />vacated right-of-way: <br /> <br />That part of Outlot C, Slawik Park and that part of the Southeast <br />quarter of Section 4, Township 29, Range 23 which lies within the <br />following described lines. <br /> <br />Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Section 4; thence <br />North (assumed bearing) along the East line of the Southeast <br />quarter of said section 4 a distance of 1794.81 feet to the point <br />of intersection with a line 8.04 feet southerly of and parallel <br />to the North line of Outlot B, said Slawik Park; thence North 89 <br />degrees 53 minutes West along said parallel line 75.78 feet to a <br />point 74.22 feet easterly of the East line of said Outlot B, said <br />point being the point of beginning of the lines to be herein <br />
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