<br />Tru~ Hammersten
<br />
<br />--,/,!-f' ,/ c:. ) ;.,'~ t;~
<br />.-f-,j- , ....,.
<br />
<br />introduced the following resolution and
<br />
<br />mave4 ita ~1on:
<br />
<br />J:)IllL~ mct1rIOI AD IBLIVm (6 $1,000,000
<br />IPYlIG Ta\.DS FOJi 'l'D PAtMa'l .~
<br />
<br />. IT RESOLVED b7 tbe Cout\Cll of the V11J.aae of Roaev11le, Mltme-
<br />8Ota.. as tollows:
<br />
<br />1. All bids rece1 ved purauant to advwt.1Mment ciuq publ1ahed
<br />having been pu'bl1a.q opeI1Od aDd COJ'.t81de1'ed by tb1_ Cow:aell, it 1s hereby
<br />fooD! and detezoJa1J)ed that the h1she8t and best 014 tor tbe pure... of 1;he
<br />Snita:ry Sewerba,;4vrl.'M. Jon4a, SeI"1ea B, 1D the ~ of 'l,QrJO,OOO..
<br />d1rected to 'be $01.4 b,- "801u~lon a4opte4 J~ 15.. 1951, 1s that of .Ih.e.
<br />First National Bank of Saint Paul .I of S~int Pau~.I ~~nn~so~a.
<br />to purchase 1181. boDcls at a price of :par sad ~ interest plu.. a prem1\l1D
<br />of . 450.00 .I the boDl8 to bear 1Jrtez'ut ud to 'be subject to t\lr-
<br />t.he.r' terJu aDd cOD41t:1cms as set 1'orth below. sates bid aball be and is hereby
<br />accepted, aDd the ~ aal VUl.aie Clerk a:re bere'by auti&aJtlzed to endoI'ae
<br />such acceptance on a coW t.beHot and ftua-n tile __ to sa.1d bi4cler. The
<br />SOod tai t.h cheek turn1ahed by sat4 bidder shall be NtaiD84 pendiDg deUvery
<br />of the bonda ana ~nt of ~ tull pIl"Chue price, and the CLerk &ball
<br />forthwith ret.urn t.be eheeka of other b14ders.
<br />
<br />2. Said 'boada aball be forthwith issued .and delivered to said pur-
<br />cbe.aeI' 11'1 aceor4aDce with _lei ~l,1IDd 18 8CCClI'daDce with the prrov1a10J18
<br />of the N80l.ut.ion adopted J~ 26, 1956, eDti t.led ;'Buolution Creat1D& SUi t.ary
<br />sewer Impr'OVIIIIDt Jkmd stQltirc Fund, ~izirc t.l'JI la8uaDce 01' $1,000,000
<br />Sardt;u'y Sewer Im~~t. IIoada, Serle_ A, and btabl1ahbla the Pont ud
<br />!fenu TbeI'eot", wh1eh resolution 1s bereby ~ted heft!>> $Dd by nr..nee
<br />ma4e IlL part hereof. !be boDcla of -.14 Series :I shall be 1,000 111 IUIber &Dd
<br />DUJIbered traI1 1 1:.0 1,000, 1nelullve, each in the dena1111'l&t1on of .1,O'JO, all
<br />dated as of ~Dll.J'1 1, 1957, aM &ball _tuI'e sel"1al.ly 1m the 8i1IOU>>t of '50/:>00
<br />Oft J&rlUIlI'1 1 1n each of the ,..... 1960 t.brouP 1979. :&.1D48 _'tu1-blg in the
<br />yean 1960 through 1969 (DUJIbered 1 tbrouch 500) stall be papble at. tbeiZ re-
<br />spective stated .turity c1atea vttbout option of l1rior ~, but those ma-
<br />turtua in t.he 7MI'- 1910 tbrouch 1919 (~ 501 'tIarou&b 1,(00) aball be
<br />each subJect. t;o redemption and pre~nt at t.he option ot the Vill.a&e, on
<br />J8J3UU",y 1, 1962~ ud ..., 1.nteJoest ~nt. date ~, in inveI"$e ordeI'
<br />or t.be1reerial m.tabera, aDd at a Pl'lce or pa1' .f1m4 aeez0ue4 1Dtenat plus a
<br />premium of $20 tor each 'beDd ~pa14 on 01' bet'0I'e J&'I>>Ja"q 1, 1967, and $10 tor
<br />ead1 boIJd. prepaid ~, but on or before ~ 1, 1972, 8.J34 W1thout
<br />preatum it pnpaicl atter Jamary 1, 1972. 5:Yt. leM than 30 ~8 prtOl" to the
<br />date specified tar redemption of arq _14 boDda t.he Vl1l8&e ~ &ball
<br />-.11 notice of the call tbeI'eo1" to the buk .~ vh1ch pr1ac1pal and int.eftat.
<br />are then ~le aa1 to the holder, 1t known, or eac.h 'bold 'to be pre,pa1cl, &lid
<br />said 1'.rea8uJter aball -.inta1n a ftCaNot \be ..... and a4dresaes of t.be
<br />holders of ~le boada O't &&14 issue, so bill as aid 1ntctl'>>8t1on 18 Il8de
<br />aV1l11able to him, tOl' tbe ~ of 1IllB111118 aa1d aQt1ces. 'l'be boDds or sald
<br />1S8UA! bear!ns 'the reapect.i WI serial PUIIben U'ld Il'lIlRurtna in the respeet.l 'Ie
<br />)'1IU"8 set tort.h below, tlba11 beer tntefts't at t.be annu.al rates &e"t forth oppo-
<br />site sa1.d ..turt~ ~s aI24 aerial JUIlbeloa:
<br />
<br />Maturity Yeen
<br />1060_1970
<br />1071...1 C?79
<br />
<br />Serial IwrIben
<br />l-SSO
<br />551....1000
<br />
<br />Interest Bates
<br />
<br />3.80%
<br />3.00%
<br />