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<br />llK}llOfJ or una series bear!ntls4IJ"1al ntlmcel"s 1 ~ 50,) (_turlng <br />In the years 1960 ~ 1m) ... ~le at their retpeetive stated _tur.. <br />IT.1 dat.ea vttbout opt1_ <>f Jrior ~J but t.hoee ~1nc ,.tal If..... <br />501 t.brouIh 1,00:> ~ ia the ,.... 1910 t.brouIh 1m) .. each subJecT. <br />to redeapt10tl ud pre~t at t;.be opUQD o-r Ule V11lqe on J~ 1, 1962, <br /> ,..". ~ ~t. _toe ~, 1u ill.,.... 0&'deIr of the1r M! &!WI"" <br />bera, ad at .. :PI'1ee of puo 8DCl ~ ~ pla a ~llU11 or f2:O t_ ach <br />bcrd pre:pa!4 on OI! betore ~ 1, 1967, ... $1.0 tor bcmclJll'eJ&14 ~.. <br />after, but OD or bctOll'e JUWIJr:! 1, 1912, 8I:It W1t.ho\1t ~_ it __J&14 alter <br />J'~ 1, 19'12. '!he V11laae wtll aa1.1 ~i_ o:t tM call. c4 UQl' of .u boa4a <br />tar ~0Il, J:lO't leH t.hat1 ~ ..,.. _101' to tM ate apec1tlecl tar n- <br />dspt1., to t;;be bo14e, it kDowD, UtI to the ~ a.t. Wb1ch prillClpal ,ad 1:D.- <br />tAI'ea~ ... t.bfm )aJ'&ble. Bol4eraQt preJI\.Vable boIa4a ..aiDe \0 recei",e ouch <br />notice J1&y ;real."..u..1r .... &1'Jd I&&b'e.... IllIld tbe Ml"1al rMli>era of their <br />bQDds with the V11l8ae ~. <br /> <br />rl IS II" ~nr1'D, BBCl'Sl>. ~ AID AGIIID that all an., <br />c0DCl1t.lou aDd th1._ ~ by the CQutJ.\ut.1o:D. &r.Jd law at S1ia'te of <br />M1.DMaOta to be doat,. 'to ex1.t, to bappen aDd to .. pel't~ prelJlldtM)t to <br />.. in the 1UVaace of W. bOIId 1a 0I'de to lake it. . val14 .. b1ndlzt6 s.on- <br />.,.1 obl1&&t1OD ot aid '11~ ac0CJlld1_ to ita 'teIma baw bee1l 4one, 40 <br />exist, have ~ .. have been pertOl'llllld .. eo ~; t.b&t 'the Vill.. <br />au dul,y cIeteI'II1M4 the 1:lIIIe88a1t)' aDd eorrtn.cted far tlte eouat.ruatlan at -.14 <br />~J 'tbIR t.he .1ilIM1ta17 SeWJ' ~t. JoId Said. .t\md ... ~ <br />duly cnate4 .aa4 ~8i_ ... r. the _~ theeot b1' ad valoreD ta;J:es and <br />.pec1al to 'be l.rI1ecI f_ tile ~ ud 1n......t1t ~t8 DOt <br />ld8 thant~..,. J*' cut (~) in .... of __ aut:tlcient t.o pq the ~t. <br />~ ad tM }lI"lae1pal beIeot .. ~ l'eQeCt.lvel:r _COM, aDd e44.1:Uooal <br />taR., it neeW far ai4 plI'JlO8et ..,. be lev1ed .up:m. all taxable ~ in <br />the V11le&e, without 111111;&t1011 .. 1:0 rate ~ 1!Ii1llOWit.~ u4 tat. tb8 ia~ or <br />w. boD4 4.14 DOt mm. tile 1adeb'teClnHa at _14 Vl1lep 'to ~ &JO' eonsti- <br />tut1011&1 or ~ U.lutat1<m. <br /> <br />II Wl'i'JIlWS ~ t.1\l8 Villaae of :Ro.IeY'11le, llaIIae7 CountJJ M1D8- <br />sate, 'b)' 1 t. V1H~. COUDCU., baa C8UH4 t.h18 baDd to be aec\lted Ul i tb 'behalf <br />by the s1patuJore at 1" *)'01', COWlteratpd By ita Y11.".. CJ..n, .... ...led <br />with ita ot'tlc1al --.1, .. the 1Dtereat c~ ~ 1'1chto to be ... <br />cute4 aM au~la&te4 by t.he ramd.ll1le a1.8JBturea o-r SAt' ott1011111!$, aDd baa <br />cause4 tht. 'bond to be da"t1tdu or Ja'Pw;ry 1, 1957. <br /> <br />, --~. <br />:'>.-.",p' <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />1...1:>... ... <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />V1U... Clerk <br /> <br />(~) <br /> <br />(J'Qrm of Coupon) <br /> <br />)10. <br /> <br />< <br /><r.. . . <br /> <br />On l$t ~ or Jul1' (~), 19 tNt VUlap of BoMvllle, <br />~ Count,y, ~, will ~ to beanl" .rrhe First National Bank ,of Saint <br />111 Saint p~ul . _~~nnesot~ ' the .. of'" .. . ~ (Paul <br />DO.r..tABS lawful JImJ1II;f of Ua!:ted S1'..a'tft O'l -.1_ tar 1aWl"etit t.bef1 due on <br />its Sardtery Sewer ~VWIItnt Bcrr:l4, Series ., _t.ed J~ 1, 1957, Jlo. _' <br /> <br />(h.caUdle aiaDa'tuN) <br />(Facs1Jl1le a1.........) ~ <br />Village C lerrk <br /> <br />(Coupons ~.~ 11 .. u.,pwarcle, attacbed to bGll4s IUIbered )1:11 <br />_and u~" ~:tall aleo include the ~t Unle$& t.he bond d.~1!!- <br />