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<br />Each. of' said bomlssball bear irrteres't at 'the Md1'tioDal rate of two '\ . <br />. . . per cent (, ~.. 2P 'It) per &m>>.aB tiom <br />;\)l,y 1 , 19~, to.Janu~J:':t 1 . ' l~~ ' to ~ <br />evidenced by a seplI"8.te ..-t or :i.Irtel"ut COt.tpODa d.ea1aDaWd as "D ,," coupons. <br />IDtereat em said 'bonds ahal1 be pa.yable 011 Jul,y 1.. 1951, aDd ~f.",.....l17 <br />"her - ft... ~ ~ 1. ~ Ju~ 1. or each 78'fJ!#. 1Io1:'.b p:1De1pal &ad 1nteftat <br />aball be ~le at Ib~ Fi+~t ~at~onaJ. e~Ot. Q~ ~aint~ul , <br />11l8ai nt Paul . U~nnesota , .ud the U.lap hereb7 ___8 to <br />pe::f the l'etUlOJ:Iable and eu~ ~s at -.i4 ~lns a,pnt tar tbe receipt <br />arJd dla'bur_ut thereof. <br /> <br />3. Sa14 iJIpro~t boD4a ahall \lein sub.tut1al~ the <br /> <br />t"orm : <br /> <br />unT.Im m'ABS r:.R AMDICl <br />STAB ~ ~ <br />COUII'n or lWIm <br /> t:M' <br />SAlflTARr .wu ~ laB <br />Slams:a <br /> <br />10. <br /> <br />$1,000 <br /> <br />UOW Au.. MrJI Br 1'BISlt !USDTS the.t the Ylllap of RoaeVille, a duly <br />~1M4 It1WU.clp&l cOI:poao&t.1ou of --..,. COWlV, 1U.~1 1t- <br />_U' to 'be 1Ddebte4 u4 tor value J'eftl'N4 J,'lI'tIId_a to 'l/WI to bearer the tIll.Un <br />of 08 4ftIOt1SAJQ) ~ on tbe lat 4II,J c4 ~ I 19-, 01', 11' this bond 1. <br />~l. as stated 'below, oa a date _1or tbe\1'eto em W'lUch 1:t sMl.l bave been <br />dull called tor l'e4 lJ.j,M.., .. to pall ~ ~ f'I'OIII the date benot <br />until 1*14 01' UDtil 1;.bU bODd, it ~le~ has Me ouIy called tor ~ <br />tiOili at the. rate of .... per ce. ( ,) per e.maDI, plwi <br />add! t10ll&1 i.atelrest OIl sa1d~nelpal $\Ill at tbe NW of J <br />per eeut per ___, trclIl'l I 19-, 'to J <br />19_. Sa1d 1merest 1s ~le' OJ! hlT 1, 19,1, end ...,~.jly~ <br />()t1 ~ 1 ... Jt.t.l.y 1 01" each yeaiI!, 1ntlel'eJft 1;.0 -turtt.7 bel88 ~le 1n <br />acCOl'4uce with Uld upcm pnaeatatlon tUd .~ of the 1Jrt,en~ coupons <br />~ he.nto., vhloh ~ ... 111 two aet.a, OM ~ ~ inter.. <br />est at. t S pt.rI UIIUJI to .-turt't7. atId the ot.bltr Mt't, ..a1gxate4 u "D'" <br />aouposaa, :rePt"Hent1rC :1n'teI'eat at ~ JIU" &PDWIt tram. . <br />19 , to . 19. .. I.)th }1I"iDclpa1 &Dd inteJrut an pe;rable <br />..t~l?~ f-lrc+ ~~+in0~l B.;t.r~":::f Sfi'int ~'& ' 1Jl ,Saint Paul, <br />Minnesota, 1a.. eoa f# ~ . UJd'ted Stata --of AlMr1ea. <br />Which on the re8P1!Krti.... 4at.ea of ~nt 1a .PUblic .... rc:ll 91'1 vatoe ud pub- <br />lic 4ebta. POI" the PJ"GIIpt aD4 Ml ~ of auch _1==11'81 au! ~t as <br />the __ become .. t.M fUll fe.1:t.h. credit aM .~_ powra at the 1'1ll.ep <br />... ba'eb)" ~17 ,le<tp4. <br /> <br />!bis bca4 13 c::lDe of .. ...18. 111 'trhe ........._ pr1nc1pal &IIIi:IWltot <br />.$1,000,000, t"1ag JlM"t. or an 1--.. or Wbleh. Sft>lea A, in .tne 8441t1oaal <br />8IIIOUDt of $1, CiOO, QO(), bu .beI'etot'~ been t~ .. sold. '!be. 'bcmcis of t.h1. <br />Ml"1e. ... all ot like date aDd tea"1l", except u to 84IZ'ial. m~, ~JJt <br />nt.e, JD&'t.ur1t.y u4 ~1on Pl'1\'11.., aud an 1awe4 b1 ea1<1Vl1lage tor <br />the ~ of ~ ~. 1~ atd to be ~ in the ccma'trUe- <br />tion of &A im)w'ov-.M. 6rN.iiiP*'ted uSlUd.'t.U'7 ~ Ii4)&"O..-..eJ:rt JIo. 1'1 ot <br />the V11lA1&e or ltoaville, and an baued ptI"8UUt to ad 1rl full Q~t;y <br />with Coaat.1't.utlcm and lawa or the State of lit1nf8$O'ta ~ eaabl1tig, <br />1l1CluGlog )ll~ Stawte., C'ba.pter 429. 'ftWl baRd 18 ~l. Pl"1mar1ly <br />t'J'ora the 5en1tary SMliII' ~V\IIlIHt't lord 55..j_ rum ottbe Vll1ap, but the <br />eou.cil 1& requ1ftd to f/IIq the pr'1I1c.Upal and 1~t tMnor out of u,y t\mda <br />in 'the ~ 1a the event. that moneys Oft ll&Dl in s&1d fuD4 8ft at az;w <br />'to_'tlelft't to I'lIItet the ~nt. of ..tuI'lne prl1'.le1pal and int.el"eet. <br />