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<br />" <br />- <br /> <br />-If>o~_ <br /> <br />jrlit-::r ~"C <br /> <br /> <br />\' <br />Jt j \ \ ~ O"i\ -r;:::; .. <br /> <br />c r~. 1._':(; "._~ _ '2 J..U,',j' <br /> <br />. j <br /> <br />4 . Se.1dbonds shall be prepared under the direction of the Village <br />Clerk and. sr.all be executed on behalf of t.he Village by the signature ot the <br />Ma1or,courrterdgned by t.he VUlage Clerk, and the corporate seal or the V'll- <br />lage shall be affixed thereto, and th.e appurtenant interest coupons shall be <br />exeeuted and authenticated by the printe(l, engraved or lithographed taca1utU.e <br />s1~tures of' said Mayor and Clerk. When said bonds have been so executed <br />aM authenticated, they shall be deli'tered by the 'Ireasurer to the j.;urcllaser <br />thereof, upon payment of the purchase price heretofore agl'eed upon and said <br />. :f,urchaser zha11 not be obliged to see to the aH:l:!c.atiotJ thereof i but. the pro- <br />ceeds thereof shall be applied solely to the payment of coste incurred and to <br />be incurred in the construction of San! ta.ry Sewer Improve1l:lentNo. 1 of the <br />VUlage \mder the contracts tor the projects comprising the same which have <br />heretofore: been e,\1ard.ed. <br /> <br />5. It. 15 now contemplated that the sI-'ee1e.l assessments to be <br />levied upon tbe area assessable v1 th respect to Bani tary Sever lmproveJEtlt <br />Fie. 1 ...rill L-.e in the j,-rinci:pal amount of a.pproximately $2,000,.000, 'Which <br />special assessments 1 &8 prortded in para" 4 ot said resolution of June <br />26, 15"'55, are to be :pa.ya.ble in 20 eq,ual, consecutive ~l iwrtallments, <br />the first to be placed on the tax rolls or the year 1951, and all deterred <br />1nstallmerrcs to bet11- interest a.t the rate of' 5~ l,er aziDUlU. It. 1s :presently <br />estblated that said special asseas.ments, with lnUrest thereon, vtll be <br />ccl1e~t,e1 in sums not less than r:yp in exce~8 of the sums of the annual UlOuuts <br />of principal and in'terest to beeome due on the bonds of Series A and Series B <br />now and heretofore issued. Prior to the issuance ot the reain1ng bonds neces.. <br />sary to pay the eost of said 1mprovement, the Villa~ shall levy a tax for the< <br />years U",1 in amounts required by said pa~~ph 1+ and 1n Minnesota Statutes, <br />Section 475.61. <br /> <br />6. The bonds herein authorized &hf1l1 be payable trOll said S,t.,nltary <br />Sever Improvement P.ond SinkIng Fund. equa1.1y and ratably vith t.he bonds author- <br />1o>.e4 1n 841d resolution of June 26, 1956, and sball be subject. to all of the <br />provisior.s and liml'tat10ns and secured by an of the eove.rgmts cootalne(l in <br />suI.! resolution. The Village Clerk !shereby' &uthorl'.ed and directed to file <br />a certl:t"1ed cor?':! of' this resolution with the County Auditor of i1a1nsey County, <br />tOl;e'tMl" vithsuch other Inforllfiltion as he shall rel~utre, aDd to obtain tram <br />said County Auditor Ii certlt'ic&te said bonds have been entered on h18 <br />bond register and that the tax. required. by lav for the ~nt thereof bas been <br />duly levied. <br /> <br />7. 'l'be o:tticer$ of the Village and tbe COunt.y AUditor of HM:$ey <br />County are hereby authorized and dtreeted toprefare and furnish 'to the pur.. <br />chaRr of said bonds and to the attorneys a:pprovtng the legality of the <br />1asuan.ce thereof certified copies of all pt"<)e(Md1t1gs and records rellt.ting to <br />said bonds &ad to the financial affairs of said, and sucb other affi.. <br />davita, certificates and iaf'ot'1I!Ii,tion as 1IflY be required., to sha\.T the facts <br />relating to the legality and marketability of said. bonds u t.he S8IDe appear <br />from t.he books a.od records under their custody and con-trol or a3 otOOrvise <br />~n to thelll, ~ such certificates, certified copies and. affidavits, inclUd- <br />ing any DeNt.of'ore fUrn:1sbe-rl, shall be deemed representations of 'tr.e Vl1J.age <br />as to tbe correctness of a.ll S'tatements contained therein. <br /> <br />A_at, ~ <br />Village C erk <br /> <br />&{Uv~d-l/Q/2Z:: <br />C-r <br /> <br />, &:- <br />