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<br />" <br /> <br />ROSEVILIE PIANNING COM1U~N <br /> <br />Regular, February 3, 1960 <br /> <br />The regular monthly meeting of the RosmUe Planning Commis81on was ealled to <br />order at the Village Hall by Chairman Ben at 7140 P.M. CotII111ssiomrs Bell, Gilles, <br />Franke, Graul, Simmerman, Membrel and Sailm together with Mesr. Soutter and tJablgren <br />are present. <br /> <br />o <br /> <br />,. <br /> <br />BLUM'IERG REZONING (1-6-60B) <br />Bovard Dahlgren reported that he had not completed his study' of the traffic density or <br />the area. '''ssr. Dahlgren and Sautter plan to have this matter cotl1pleted within two <br />"ee'ks. Further time was requested to complete this study. Dr. mumberg had indicated <br />that additional time would not inconvenience him. <br /> <br />Conrad Schletz, 2433 Simpson stated his objections to R-3 for this area, and Glen <br />Johnson, IS3!) w. Co. Rd. B2 BUbmitted a petition ot 30 people within 2S0 ft. or the <br />~ and another petition of 79 people beyond 250 ft. of the pztOperty who objeotA,d <br />to the proposed BODing. A. Bletov, lS611". Co. Rd.. B2 stated concern ovcrr the increased <br />trafflo generated by apartments} hs also expressed concem aver the proposed erecUon <br />of apartments on the land that 11' current17 held as a water easement in the event that <br />Zi...f1Ian Lake were lowered. l-lr. atetow stated that the residents wanted the lake to <br />remain at the current JAwel. . <br /> <br />bed by S1I1merman, seconded by So1k8 that action on this matter be tabled until March 2 <br />to perllit further studT. Motion puled. <br /> <br />KROISS OONS'lRUCTION COMPANY, REmNING RE~UF.ST (2-3-6oA) <br />Mr. John Daubne7, attorney tar the applicant appeared to request that this application <br />be taken up at the earliest cot1V'enience. The 8ecretary informed him that the 18ra! <br />notice had been sent to the newspaper am that the property 0IIftfJ1"S bad hem notified <br />that a public hear.1~ would be held on February 16, 1960. <br /> <br />OOG SJDl, TYPE OF ZONIRO REQUIRED (2-3...60B) <br />Mr. Warren Brennan was 1nfo~d b1' Mr. Dahlgren that a B-3 lIDDing was required for <br />exhibition balls and that would probab17 be appropriate fer outside dog lI10n as wen. <br /> <br />tJSBD CAR LO'l', COUNTY ROAD B AT SN:ELLIOO (2-3..600) <br />JatI88 'f01'1"illfh 2081 Band, vas advised that it. vou1d be neoell8&J'1' to rezone the property <br />at the 'l"..t;.r-Preese f'toom se to B-) rr:r the operation of a used oar lot. In new of <br />the d....lop1MDt, eurrent and ant:t.cipated, of this area, the eolftisslon woald not rlev <br />with taTor such a reBoning request.. Howerer, be as at 11bert1 to app],y if he chose to <br />do 1Jd. <br /> <br />~) <br /> <br />\i <br /> <br />MUSIC SCROOL, MIDLO'l'HIA1f ROAD AT ro. RTJ. B (2-3-6OD) <br />Barl R:rMr. 1627 W. <:b. Rd. B stated. that the old BrlIlhaU Sahool will no lempl" be <br />lIt'Ai1able tol'lt IIWIic smool after Juq 1, 1960. He requellte4 that he be permitted to <br />I.) coDlltruet a eombina t10n lIII18io school aid dwellilw at co. Rd. B am uicU.otld.aD Rd. in <br />"----. an R-l sone. Mr. Dah1.gNn pointed out U'tiole $.1-1 of the soDing ordinance Bo. 27$ <br />wbich deriDed 11ft acceptable InUd.c school in a reld.d.enUa1 d18tr1ct as one _ioh pend tted <br />ODe pupil at a tiJl8. FOI'th. lArge SttCC888fU1 tJpe ot sebool that Mr. ~ CUl'rentl7 <br />enj078, a B-1 soning would be requil"8d. <br /> <br />ALADDIN HamsITES NO. 3 PRELIMINARY PIAT (2-3-608) <br />50 one appeared to 8up~rt thi'. action. Planning report 29-2 pointed out that the lots <br />were s1ight.l7 sub-standard and a drainage problea e:dated. l"ranke 1ItOVed, Soia .econded <br />that the pet.1.tion be denied. .otlon earrt.ed. The ob3ectiona 1d.U be onrCOM if the <br />developer win (1) increase the vester13' row or lot. to 86 ft. v1dths to Meet the minimum <br />required lot area and (2) grant an ease_nt tor drainage %"Ather than a dedication. <br />