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<br />3-2-6oA (l-6-6oA.) BLtnmERO RE1nNING REQtJF.ST , <br /> Cross Terrace, Snelling at 11ighV81' 36. . <br />The fJUbject was taken t'rom the table and Mr. Dahlgren reported his study of t.he <br />traffio problem 1n this area. A higher densi\v' uso than R-l was reconnended for <br />the develO'plllent. of this area. nahlgren ai ted the need for planned res:Ldent1a1 <br />mult!ple d<<elopments rather than baYing multiple housing spotted througbout the <br />resident1a1 eCllllftUl11 ty. <br /> <br />Plan. II \lhich included an a-l residential strip along B-2 W8.3 not consideNd <br />Iq)'pJ'Opriate b1' Mr. He suggested that add1 tional dr.iyewa:re should not. <br />enter upon B-2. He suggested, <br />a~ Plaoing f1 loop road fUrther west on the plat <br />b. 0Iancin<< the deBiIft or the pazo1d.rtg area to get more dietinot -paoklng <br />~I1S ort or the street. <br /> <br />K81brt. ~ Orauel seoonded that the request tor rt'tzors1ng be l"eoo~ded to m, <br />~. Motion cm'ried 1IDI1'd.tIouDlT. The clisC\UI81on at the IItOtion included the I <br />arsu-nt. that the area could be developed into n-l rell1dent1a1 whioh 1IOU1.c1 OI'erlook ~ <br />a 1aJce, and. that m R-3 d8'lelopment would create ooneiclerable traffic in an area <br />wb10h the state bigbuay department has isolated and far which only 11.m!. tAKt Bervice <br />row an pl"ovlded.. <br /> <br />3-2-60B KROtSS R&mNING RF..QUEST <br />Rota between Fermrood am DuDlcp <br />Mr. uaubn8,y, attomq tor R. Xroiss, presented the case tOJ' .the rezoning. He cited <br />the tax TelueS or the adjacent l...nd and hOlDes, cbanp:e& in the proposed apartment <br />b1.d.ldin<<& which have been eftected since the original hear1n~&, advantares of' f1 <br />butter strip for the Bhopp1nft center to tbe south and the need for higb class <br />ap8rtments in the Rosey-IDe area due to 1ncree.8Gd businesB and industri81 I1ctivi't7. <br /> <br />Mr-. eo..tUS'.f, attorne;y for the ~&CfiIt1t property owners, prellllDt.ed a petit:1Ot1 at 3$ <br />reddente vith1n 2S0 ft. or the property' WO CJppOM the 1"811OD1ng. He cited .otton <br />1& tar rnoning and that the cIraw1ngs ot the bu11d1np are not binding and that, once <br />relDDed, the property might be 80ld 8Dd another type of bu11d1ng might be ereoW. <br />He hrtb.. stated that tile area vu reloned 0D1;r last year, holllD in;nwements ha?e <br />been _a. NCct17, and it an iftCNaae in tu base vas an that vas, the who10 <br />vU1.age should be oo1llMtrc1a11led to give the best t.u bue. <br /> <br />~.~, I Rebuttals 1ftJ1"8 presented. by bothat't0rrJ6t8. <br /> <br />,... <br /> <br />. t <br /> <br />~.~) <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />~. <br /> <br />'< <br /> <br />.,.. <br /> <br />., <br /> <br />~. <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />" <br />./ <br /> <br />\< <br /> <br />I. <br /> <br />'''"..- <br /> <br />". <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />t <br /> <br />6 Rc.;:m:'T:rLU~ pL/l.mrr~1G C(JMiQsIO~t <br />H.tnut.e8 or Regular I'-1eoting <br />r-'l81'Oh 2, 1960 . <br /> <br />The -'8 called to order at 7:40 b,. Chairman Bell at the Hell. <br />Commis81oners present were Boll, Franko, Gilles, Drauel" J~embmz end So1k8J <br />Mrs. Simerman was absent due to iUness. Planner Dahlgren, Bmrlneer Sautter, and <br />Counc1J.llan 1"1anagan vere also present. <br /> <br />MBIJIbrn moved, So1kll eeeonded that the resOft1n<< request be recommended tor a-pprovu; <br />1II>>t10D 0II"'r1.ed. <br /> <br />3-2..6OC 'WOcmRU:DOE AImTION, PREL114INARY PIAT <br />Woodbricfp at Lupentnr <br />Mr. DGJiIINn ouWned past wente lead1nr up to thi8 ...ting. <br />a. \100dbridp A..... nortb ot Larpentnr 18 propoMd to be oft the 1lOdul. thUD eamralng <br />d.1.sruptton of potentuJ. tJoD..tt1c n.. <br />