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<br />,. <br /> <br />o <br /> <br />... 2 - <br /> <br />Q <br /> <br />", <br /> <br /><, <br /> <br />b. 1~ar1on St. lots (M thru "-1) would be about 300 feet in dept.h. Hould this be <br />acceptable to t he owners? <br /> <br />o. ldeal~ for a change 1n Boning claasif1cat10n the proposed p1at may be desirable. <br /> <br />Donald Roberts requested that the {roposed plat be Accepted. <br /> <br />Wm. mey, 1716 Marion, wants a road adjacent to the eastem boundry of bis property) <br />heW8R 111111128 to dedicate 30 refit and to pq the cost of eurfacing or his dedicatfSd <br />portion. He stated that all owners or land on the west aid" ot the Hooctbridge :'lat <br />were opposed to ch..nging the location ot Woodbridge Aye. '!he roUow1ng people conourred <br />with t-,I". B1eyt E. ~v. aerus. l062 Orchard, R. Fleming, 17~ Oaltior, Janet Sands, <br />196 S. McC..rrone Bl'Vd., RoRer Strant., 17~0 roTarion, and Robt. HcMurray, \'la1lace, Idaho I <br />1iho was represented by' h1s 81ster. <br /> <br />'l'!Iere .a8 considerable discussion RII1Onr. the interested po.rt1el 8Dl it was suggested <br />that the owner. ot the proJB rty meet in the adjacent ofr1c8 to try to reach 80111G <br />agreel'lltGt. (Hearing rece.sed and reconntned) Inaemuch as no &g.t'cutll'dmllvae reached, <br />am tbe people reque8ted lII)I"e tiMe to t1"1' to resolve the J'l"oblem, '-fembres mcmad, <br />Franke 1eC01X\ed, that the matter be tabled =141 the next speo1allll8ctiTlg, March <br />15, 1960, 1II0tion oam.ed unanimoul1y. . <br /> <br />3-2-600 REQt1EST TO AMEND ZONING onmNANCE TO PERMIT PARKING nt Ral. <br />Aotion 177 Willard Thereon. <br />A letter from W1l1ard Thorson was read. It proposed that. an addition to the list or <br />special uses tor R-1 be _de to permit 'Parking in R..l distriots. t-tr. Thorson appeared <br />and stated that this type or p1"O't1sion to contTol usage ot land v1th bufrer stt"ips <br />exact1J 8P6UecI out.. appeared in numerous othor zoning ordinance. inoll1ding St. Louie <br />Park, ,aleon KeS.Bhte, St. Paul, and proposed fO%' Minneapolis. <br /> <br />(Jordon O11t11lan, 1.421.1 Belmont Lane asked if this was a hearing tor 11 speciAl permit. <br />tor the Slaw1k Shopping Center? Chairnm Bell poin~ out that at present parking 10 <br />not a perm1tted use in R-l districts.. Th.1s 18 a request to and thfJ Boning ordinanc4!le <br />It the action w8I"e favorable, the prOV'ls1on ,eould be app11cable throughout the Village <br />ot Ros8'l'1U.. <br /> <br />Mr. St4tnerod.en. 1970 N. Asbury, trGfJen'ted a letter 1ft opposition to s.ny use at land <br />near the Sla1d.k Shopping Center 1noomstent with re81dent.ia1:1On1ng. Dr. Dahlberg, <br />1l6S ~. r,. Dq, 2001 If. ASbu.z7,and J., 19119 Simpson stated their objections <br />to ~Hd park1ng tor the proopoeed S1awik Shopping Center. <br /> <br />H. 'D8hlgren stated. that the proposal was not 1i1es "spot soning" as t-tr. S'ten81'Oden <br />nge8ted. The Oo1den Rule special Boning ordi.nance bad 8et the precedent in Roseril1e <br />tor and epeeis1 set-backa and rJC1"88DiD&' ln busiDesS areas adjocent to <br />read.dnUal areas. He contended that a epea1a1 .e pertdt atNnIthtmEl the IOnit'lg <br />ord1DaDce beean. tJuoough it oon41t1ona can be det1nec1 tor 1a:ad us. <br /> <br />Howard. JObneon, 1956 Arone, stated hilt conoern that thie _tioD we iltl.t1ated by the <br />S1av1k 1n:tereeta. Mt-. Zuber, 1963 "roDa eonteftded that once the par~ lot was <br />tar S1av1k, 1 t would n..,er 1"P'ert to R-l bu11d1t1p. ' <br /> <br />So1lca ....ed. lI'rmke aecoaded to not ~ a charrp in the son1ng ordinAMe for tb.e <br />purpose of pend.tting parJdDg in R-l diatr.l.cts by speaia1 pmd,t, aotion defeated. <br /> <br />Franke lIIOt'ed, So1b eeccmd.ed that the matter be tabled, aot1on defeated. <br /> <br /> mond, Grauel eeCJOJded that the NC01IIn8ndation ot the V~ Plamer be retc1'T\"9d <br />to the Village Council vith the rec01'IImeMation that the monin~ ordinance, Reet1o~ )"fJ;. <br /> <br />", <br /> <br />'" <br /> <br />~-L' <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />"- <br /> <br />,. <br />, <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />\ <br /> <br />,,- <br /> <br />c <br /> <br />.-L <br />' . <br /> <br />'" <br />