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<br />o <br /> <br />.,.. J ... <br /> <br />o <br /> <br />\ <br /> <br />be amended to add parkLng to the list of Bpee1a1 uses in rasident1al 2IOning <br />c1assit1cations, mUon carried. P~>V' (4) I I')q4, ,'.., ~., (~) (Fm ~k~ I So,'kr:).. ~ <br />II 4-~~",o <br /> <br />.'embJres mared, Oilles seconded. that the proposed amsndment to the .O~ ordinance <br />nqu1re that all apeoial p81"lll1.ts be required to ronow the same proC6d\n"6 &8 that <br />current;13' ex1st1ng forason1ngJ mt.1on carried. (&peeia1 J)II1'II'dts, 11' the I"8co1lllDenr:1at.1on <br />is adopted by the Village Council, 'K111 require an abstract or title, a fee or $25..00, <br />publication ot bearings, notit1cation or prOJBrlq OWDe1"8 within 250 feet or the <br />J'1"OT.I81*'tq al'd two public hemngs.) <br /> <br />3-2-6oE PROPOSED SIGN OBDINA'NCE, REVISION OP' ZONING CRDINANCE <br />Chai1"Mft Bell 11.nd.tec! diecuesion to the proposed set baoks. Mr. Condon, llaegele Sign <br />Co., 33~ Uniyera1ty ATe. s. E., ~'~nneapcl1B, Hinn. cited work or the sign industt"ies <br />with otheP Y1J.1aPs and plamd.~ com1ss1oJ1s. He BURgGsted that a COJ'T or the proposed <br />sign ordtnance be referred to experts of the sign co~ tor theil" comments and <br />reoomenclat1one. W. J. VaUIJI, General 0uM00I" Adnrt1s1ng Co. ~ to work with <br />Mr. Condon and cited the need. tor IlL good s:l.(:(n ordinance. The toUmn,: representatiYeIJ <br />or the sign advertising induattoy' concurred: <br /> <br />J. Y. Lober, Red OWl Stores, Hopkins . <br />Gordon G11f'11lan, Gilfillan Harchrare Co., RoseriUe <br />E. C. J01m8on, Phillips Petroleum Co. <br />M. Hubel', Huber Sign Co., RonviUe <br />Robert Thornberg,. Seey., Minnesota Petroleum rmmcil. 604 Bldg. Exeh. <br />Robert Swart.llbauer, Lawrence SigD Co., st.. Paul <br /> <br />Q111es mored, MeIIbreB seconded to table action on the detin1t1on ot eetbacka am to <br />reter copies of the propoeed sign ordinance to Hr. CondDn, !'7uceJ.e Sign 00., cba1rmDn <br />or the industr1es co1llld.ttee, far reco......mtlons to be pru_1Ied at tbe Yq uth <br />meeting. 11otion carried UDln1mous~. Copies gi'Y8l1 to all1rrtereet.d part.1aa. <br /> <br />3-2-6or PRKLIMI'WtY PLAT ALADDIN !D1ESITES NO. 3 <br />Oaken.' at PUt <br />A ......1sed p1at 1ncor-porating the changes suggested at the 'Februa-y 16th meeting <br />was d1scuaeed. <br /> <br />1., <br /> <br />-L\ <br /> <br />K..... 1ftOt'ed, Boike seoonded that tho rori.sed pIat be l'eoo.-ended f'aruocept&nce <br />8Ubjeot to the engineer's repon ot apprrmal. Motion carried UJWdaoualT. <br /> <br />3-2-600 PARk AND PLAYOROOJID REPORT 'P'R<I~ RECREA'l'IO'f BOARD <br />Lettw ot reoaDICdation <br />A ~ .. reaollllenclat1on .. reaet""ed tro. the reoreation director hie <br />~~-- v1th the preli1l1ftD71"'epa1"t. The reareat1~n bo&1'd l1kwiee ooDeta'led <br />with . proe]!",-"V7 report or the yWage planner. <br /> <br />'- [Jil1.. .wed, M.... IJeCOI1ded tbat the prel11dnary ~gl-oa4 ftJ)Ort be ~rerred to <br />ltbe ft11a&e p1uber tor preparation ot a tiDal prOPOIIU ADd:report. ~oUon olaTied <br />'-.'~. . <br /> <br />3-2-608 !lWl'PIC SPORT <br />The p1~....8IfttAd a procrea' report on the tratfic sta1~ aDd requ.&1I.....d additional <br />tS.IIe to ~........ the report. FrenJat 1I1ored, Soik8 seconded tbat ad41t1o'lUll time be <br />granted!ttr ~t1O.D. JIotioa cenied. <br /> <br />The secntm7 reported that the League ot ~ Voters had agreed to complete the <br />1.Dda tor . ?iDa,e map bT February' l8t~ HCMIndr. tb.. IJe01"8tart bad indicated that <br />Karch 1et"ould be a rea8OD&b1e 'rO date tbe C01llJ)1eted _ and 1nder; bad not <br />been nee1Ted. b se~ was instrQcted to wrJ. te . letter ot i~ to asCertain <br />the tmrretit statu or this 1I01"k. ~ <br />