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<br />HOSE1JTf.J,E PU,~nrEG (/i(t .JION <br />J.linutcs of tho ~egular r:eet.i ng-iLpril 6, 1960 <br /> <br />The regular JI1ont.hJy Meeting of the ' Corn!'1ission was called to order by' <br />Chairman Ball at 713~ P.7f. Col'IInissioners Bell, '(i'ranke, Gilles, ~-embl'E!Z, 501100, <br />and Simerman "rare present tor,ethor with Village Engineer Sautter, and planner, <br />. lab! :"(ren. <br /> <br />",- <br /> <br />4-6-60 A RF:zmTING FW1m:ST DY GARLEY mOB ~ From n-l to 13-) <br />LOCATlmr: ~rorth side ot Lart?enteur east or Hand Ave. <br />Dti',sCRIPl'ION: St, E-'}, W~, SWi, sEt, Section 13, Township 29, Runge 23 <br />consistinp, ot approximately 4.2 acres (Case 32-1) <br />t-tr. EUp'ene Schway, '.tinnesota BJdg. spolts as the attorney fo1" the petition. No <br />phns were presented. However, it was contended that the land was to be sold <br />tor a shopping center development. ~.1r. r.a1vi.n Garley, 1970 "I. Snelling l,ve. stated <br />thnt there was about 16 feet of peat and that this land was unsuitable for R-l <br />development. 1"'r. Frank Cincotta, 267 Roma, had s18ned the petition for this <br />action but upon 1~ of the type of General Business development that was <br />perad.18ible in a '8-) lon1n~, r.!r. Cincotta became uncertain a.s to his current <br />position. <br /> <br />It. vas mwed by Mulbrez and Deconded by Franko that the rezoning be denied on <br />the baa18 ot spot Boning, motion carried unaniMOuSly. <br /> <br />4-6t060B REzonING REQU~':ST BY HERHJlN T. GERKEN. From R-l to B-3 <br />LOCATIONz North side of ~enteur east of Hackubin <br />DESCRIPTION: swi, SE~, s.r;, Sect. 13, Township 29, Range 23 (about 81 Bcres) <br /> EU(pm8 ~, Hinnesota J1ldg. epoke tor the petition. Tho action requested <br />wu the uame as stated tar 4-6-60A~ No plans were presented and indefinite <br />.....Uona about a shopping center were stated. <br /> <br />1.1r. "". J. Humber, no E. \\'1scons1n Ave., f.Tilwaukae, 'Pisc., in t"eneral fsored <br />cha.ng1ng the zoning or the land if' no open storage areas were created and it a <br />tr.na1 tional zone were created for the existing housing dfJ're1opment to the north. <br />He turtber expressed a desire for the co no truc ti on of a north-south road extending <br />troll 't/qDer to Larpenteur. <br /> <br /> C. Peterson, 287 Roma, spoke againat the aboV'e two actions. He contended that <br />becauee ot the high water table and depth ot the peat, the land north or Larpenteur <br />vou14 be beet used tor park lando ~." <br /> <br />Mr. BeU propoeed that the ollners or the low land in question, whioh smunts to <br />.. 6S &01'8." ~ together and establish a 1a~ use ?J'Oposal should include <br />dere1Dp1ng a road system and soning pattern. Hr. Dahlgren interjected that the <br />land u.. stud7 cannot be superficial.. It should include Boil tests and sbld1es of <br />tbe to~.. <br /> <br />Mr. C1ncotta questioned the status or county ditch No_ 10. He was inf'ormed that <br />the C1V or St. Paul appelrl'Sd to have an easement on the north aide ot Larpenteur. <br />Meabres DIOYed, 'h'anke seconded that the rizoning request be denied on the b3a18 of <br />spot eou1ng J motion carried unanimoU8~. <br /> <br />4-6...6oc REZONING REQUEST OF P. n. \mEBI!:R. From R-l to B-2 <br />LOCATION: Soutmreet cornal. or H1ghvq 8 and Co. Fd. D <br />DESCRIPTION, Abant 4.23 acree of Section S, Tvp. 29, R 23, Nj. section <br />('!'he complete description 18 on rile and is Vf11!'1 complex) <br />lb-. P. H. Weeber, 235$ W. Co. Rd. D, New Brighton, appeared fer this petit1Oft. <br />It vaG stated that a in zon1ng was desired so that a \ garden supplie' could <br />