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<br />.. 2 III' <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />be sold on this location. No plans were given and the pel"son that desired to <br />operate the garden supply business }laa not able to attend tho I'\ <br /> <br />Franks moved, Soike seconded that the matter be tabled until Hay 4th. notion <br />C8lT1edz For.. 4, Againet - 2 (Boll and Simerman) <br /> <br />4-6-60YJ RF.7.D'1D-JO RT';QUES'l' mYA~r ~'. J.fCGROARTY. From R..l to R-3. <br />T.,()CATIO!!: South Owas80 Blvd. at 'TJale street <br />T)ESCRIPTION I 1A::It U, except the ~Bterly 2nR feet thereof in <br />map ot A. K. Barnums Garden Lots. <br />tfr. Bryan !'. HoOroarty presented a ',erbose dessertation for the petition. He statod <br />that this was a speoial condition and that only the propert:r adjacent to South <br />OwaSBO Bl~d. was desired to be r8l1Oned because (1) Dale Street may becQme heavily <br />t.raveled, (2) railroad tracka are nearby, and (3) a power line easement would <br />prevent good class R-l development. Uo plans were presented. Chafiooman Bell inquired <br />&1 to the difference between this property and 8.!'\Y other piece of' R-l property in <br />the village. <br /> <br />, <br />~tr. r:1eorge Reiling, 2831 ~1. Oxford, suggested that before any llction WilS taken <br />that Heinel Drive be cut through. tie would dedicate his portd.on of land but did <br />not care to pay to build the road. Ur. Reiling was informed that the village <br />ordinance required the develor>m- to build the roads in a development. <br /> <br />Soike Hoved, Simerman Seconded that the petition be denied on the basis of spot <br />aon1ng. l40tion earned unan1mouely. <br /> <br />4-6-601 HENNEPIN TRANSPORTATION co. Request tor Special Use Permit <br />LOCATIONs East side ot CIEJll'eland Ave. 550 ft. south of Co. PA. C <br />Mr. Ban vacated thecba1r and asked Mr. Hembrez to preside. Kemoth Tilaen of <br />RobiDl, Davis and. Lyons, Hinnesota Building, St. Paul, spoke ao the r.ttormy tar <br />the penait. A proposed aite layout was presented, but no architect,ura1 plans <br />ware submitted. It vu stated that the buildings would !:oat about :.))00,000 am. <br />that about 10 acres would be required. <br /> <br />Franke l'IKWed, Boike seconded that the spoc1al pem:lt be denied. Considera.ble <br />discussion :fbnowd. <br />'!'be following points were raised againet the parmi t: <br />1. Cleveland Ave. is not an aU veather road such as would be required tor <br />truck1ng . <br />2. This area, Cleweland to Fa1:rv1ew trom Highway 36 to Co. Rd. C is the only <br />1azop &1". left in the village in School District 62.3 which is sui table and is <br />IODC tor the higher type 1-1 industrial usea.L3. '.l'ruck1ng terminals hRYe a deterent etreet on the development or high <br />tax hue land. <br />. h. Area vest of Hw.1. 280 is current1;r aoned 1-2 which would seem more <br />ap~p;r1ate tor truck terminals. <br /> <br />Motion carried to denT the permit, For (4), ~sinot (1) ~{embretlJ Abstaining (1) Bell.. <br /> <br />4-6-6OF STREET MAP. RENAMING OF "ILLAGE STREETS <br />Mr. Dah],grm requested ad41t10nal time for study of the work which haa bean completed <br />br MN. S1~ and Mre. Gilles. The Cbaiman granted additional time until <br />Apr1l191h loa- the e11l111eer1ng .tud7. <br /> <br />4-6-600 PARK AND 1U!CltOUND REPCRT <br />Mr. Dahlgren reported that the report V&8 ready tor printing.. It was suggested that <br />o. hun.dred of the report 'be pr1n~ <br />