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<br />nOBEVILLE PIJ\NrII'!G CON~,nSSION <br />SPECIAL ~.!ERTING APRIL 19" 1960 <br /> <br />The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bell at 7 :30 P .!-1. in t.oo ViUage Hall. <br />Commissioners Bell" Franke, Gilles, Gra.ul" l:ernbraz, Simarrnan and Soike were present. <br />Village Engineer So utter and the resident planner Dahlgren were also present. <br /> <br />) <br /> <br />4-19-6OA SPECIAL mE PEtmrr TO ERECT APAR'Itfli:tITS ON B-1 ZOJTE <br />Requested by Garley Bros. <br />Looation: County Road B west of Snelling <br />CalVin and Cleon Garley" 2118 I1idlothian Rd. appeared in support of this aotion. <br />Plans were previously submitted for erection of an eleven unit apartment building <br />on a parcel of land 80 x 366 feet; this plan inoluded a play area of' R2 :x 100 f'eet <br />on the rear of the lot a."d a bituminous parking area for 12 care on the fl'ont of' <br />the lot. <br /> <br />( <br /> <br />The qucso&1on of drainnge was discussed ~~d a letter from A. D. Compton, Asst. Count,r <br />Eng. was introduced which indicated that the lOti culvert at Snelling and Co. Rd. B <br />lJOuld be replaced ,,11th a IS" pipe if drainare becomes a problem. <br /> <br />It was observed that the plan showed that the parking lot was not set 15 feet baok <br />from the pr0p3rty' line as Pl"ovided in our ordinance. The developers agreed to change <br />this to conform. <br /> <br />The developers .cited a ~)oll of the residents in their 66 apartments which showed that <br />28 teachers, 5 doctors, 1 pastor,. currently reside there; only 5 childrel'1 currently <br />are in the apartments. These statements were included to indicate that a "1d.ghll clans <br />of ~ople reside in apartmenta in Rosev1Ue. <br /> <br />So1kB 1I1OITed, Simerman seconded that the special use permit be granted subject to <br />placing the parking lot 15 feet from the front lot line and placing the building <br />100 teet from the front lot line. Hotion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />4-19-6o-B \mEBER REZONI!iG REQUEST mOll R-l 'ro B...2 (4-6-60) <br />Requested b.T P. H. Uaeher <br />Locationa Southwest corner Co. Rd. D and Hwy. 8 <br />Mr. Weeber and ~:r. Dick Ourtek, 2460 vi. Co. Rd. D appeared in support ot this action. <br />tir. Gurtek proposed to construct two buildings, each 16' :x 24', for purposes of <br />operating a nursery and garden shop. '!he access will be provided from Co. Rd. D <br /> <br />Simerman Hoved, Franke seconded that the request be recommended for approv al.. !~otion <br />carried. <br /> <br />4-l9-6O-C REA'RRANGE'fEf.!T OF TtVO LOTS SUUSET VImoJ ADDITION NO. 2 <br />Requested by J.. R. Dettenbel"g <br />Location: Northwest corner of Prior ana. Skillm:m <br />I <br />No one appeared in support of this action. <br /> <br />Franke Hoved and Soik8 secomed that action be'tabled until Hay 4th pending a report <br />from H. Dahlgren. t-totion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />4..l9-6o-n STREET RAt.{E RErol-IMET-IDA'I'IOrrS <br />r<1r. Dahlgren presented a written report which referred to a coded base mp of the <br />"Iillage.. The report presented a 8U17JIIAry of previous studies m1dertaken by the <br />ViUage Engineer and the League of vloman Voters. Certa:i.n proposals of t.he Village <br />Planner were not in agreement nth the previous ngp,estions.. In general, the fol1.owing <br />suggestions W81'8 1I1I1de: <br />l~ East4'!est routes stiZIil.l bear the suf'f'ix "Avenue".. <br />2~ North-South routies8ifa1l bear the s'Ilrrb..ttStreet.". <br />3. Cul-de-S!'cs shall bear the suftix "Court" or "Circle". <br />