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<br /><'" <br /> <br />HOSKVILLl~ PJ.N1NINCi Cm'i!iIS'sJON <br />Flirmtes of the Regular H< <br />June 1, 1960 <br /> <br />j <br /> <br />The !!\eetin~ was caned to o,,'der by Chalrman Bell at 7:30 "');'. Comp'flssioners Bell, <br />Franke, Graul, Gillen, Membre~, Siroorman and Soilee were present; H. Dahlgren, 1Tillag,,\ <br />Planner and C. Soutter, Vil1a~e Enp:ineer 'IITere a1ao present.. <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />1. FEZO~lr.G T>1i;Qt!EST OF H. RAD;K.AN TO CHAHGE FRO~1 ~-l TO B-1 <br />1lescriptionz The S 31 teet of the rJ 106 feet of the H 2 of Lot 11, <br />Auditor's Subdivisiol1 '10. 46, Ramsey Co. and tha E 50 <br />feet of the S 143 foet of the N 249 feet of the H 1 of. <br />Lot 11, Auditor's Subdivision no. h6 Rarnsey Co.., Pinn.. <br />Purpose: To erect a motel <br />Action: 'By Council T"Io1::1on. <br />This action was supported by i!ir.. and i.frs. H. Radtnann, 295 Eiller, who stated that t.he <br />additional land adjacent to their land currently 2\oned 13..1 was neoded to provide roor!} <br />for a driveway for a proposed motel. flforoover , it was desira.ble to set the motel baek <br />from Lexington ~\ProTdde for further ~11dening of tho fltreet. <br /> <br />The action was opposed by' 'l'hotllaa Neucoms, 931' !,finnesota. Tlldg." Attorney for the ac1ja eent. <br />nroperty owners.. Ho rmewd the nction of last year when during discussion of the <br />proposed zoning ordinance, a compromise was reached whereby the easterly ,0 feat of. <br />the Radmann property was to be n buffer strip tor the B-1 proparty.. The property owrwrs <br />object to the motel on the basis that it will de'Pl'Octni~a 'their ~ropel..ty valuos. A <br />list or n&III8S of sixteen families that oppose th~s actio.n was given to the commiar:do11o <br />El""!1 ot the sixteen appear to be uith!n 250 ft. of the propsl-ty in question. <br /> <br />Mr. Bell informed the people preeent. that should this be granted, D. apeo1al use <br />permit would be required before a IOOtal could be ot' on this parcel. ~':Qreover, <br />bufter strips could be requtr'ed as a part of the conditions of the special use parmit~ <br /> <br />l{emrez PlOVod, So1lce seconded that the action be rcco11llYtonded for at>pvovaL For (h) <br />l4embrez, Soika, Graul and Simarnan. i.gairtst (3) Bell, Franke, Gilles; motion carried. <br /> <br />.f-' <br /> <br />2. SUNSET "r~'W PLAT REARRANG1~NENT <br />Purposes To make three lots out of two deep lots. <br />!~. J. Bettenberg, 239, University J\.ve. l'fjquest.ed thin act.:.1.on (4-19-60A) and appeared <br />in aupport of this request. He indicated that he had difficulty in selling these lots <br />because of their depth (240 ft.) ani Jc..hat the back of 'the lots are "rorthleaw. <br /> <br />It waa pointed out that the comer lot is only a, ft. tn '4fidth whereas our cur:t'ant <br />ordinance requi.res 100 ft. Horeover, it the requ6ut w't':r.'e granted, any hO\tse erected <br />upon the new lot would project in to the back yards of four other lotso <br /> <br />51merman lI'tOO"ed, Gilles seconded that the request be denied. t"-otion carried. :&11 <br />abstained. <br /> <br />.3. REZO'lING ~EQt1ES'r 'RY pm. LtJ"JDm:J\.D f R-l to 'R- '3. <br />Description: S 26h ft. 111 n,6.63 t't. NWI sw1 &0.. 11, Twp.. 29, R 23~ <br />except the ,.r 24S f"t., S 182 t't.. thereof and excep't; 'the E )0 f't.., S 210 <br />tt tbereot.. <br />Pul'poee: To erect a non-profit nursing home <br />Action: By pet! tion <br />Rev. IImdblad, 1371 Brooks supported this action. A !Sketch plan of a similar nursing <br />home was shown to the commission md a rough layout of the buUdi~ loc;at..ion was <br />likewise shown~ Building would commence in 1961. <br /> <br />Mr. Dahlgren r>rapoaed that the area be platted to aeen!'n width and placement of streets <br />and Hr. !'iembrez pointed out that Orandviev currently i8 only' a 30 ft. street and should <br />