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<br />- 2 - <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />(- <br /> <br />be made a full ~rrdth street. <br /> <br />Picbard Radke, 960 Lovell, opposed this action because he u:Lahes to have the area R-l! . <br />and he'Dresented a list of nine (9) families who likmTisEJ oppose; five of thesp familiiaes <br />Previously signed the rezoning petition for Rev. Lundblad, Hr. a.nd ::rs. Art Eri.ckson, <br />Glen Johnson, !?ay !~unsonJ 1-lillal"'d Paterson, and C. H.Lundated. <br /> <br />t~embrez moved and Fr8.nke seconded that the rezonin~ be denied on the baDis that as the <br />request was presented Ute action would constitute spot zoning and before :::>.ny land use <br />plan for this area is considered" the area should be platted. 'Totion ce.rrled unall:I.moue1y. <br /> <br />4. PLAT OF ~fOUNT ~TIE\-l ^nT)I'l'I"~r BY .T. HOllUm <br />This action was supported by J. Holrud of 242lt. N. Dale. It is filed in conjunction <br />the rezoning request of Dr. Hanson (S). Ur. Holrud pointed out, that. this WllS a. <br />compUcated problem because (1) three families own this land and. the current. plat is t\ <br />compromise. (2) The topography 1s rough and a hill must be mov'ad to the east to fill <br />low land and (3) it is desired to record this plat rep,'Brdlesa ot the action on the <br />Hanson rezoning.. <br /> <br />During a thorough discussion with the cormnission, it "laS pointed out that the follo\<ling <br />problem erlated in the ~posed plat. (1) In the aren of the proposed nursing home <br />the topography drops 28 ft. in 132 ft. from the back of the lot to the front of' the l(lta. <br />(2) Center line gradients and profiles for the roads are not listed. on the pllJt. <br />(3) Theee appears to be sorae sub-standard lots of BO f't widih and less than the <br />area. (4) Objections were raised to the placemont of drivE\wG.yo on County T?.oad :9; it <br />was suggeeted. that t.hese lots may have batter aCC&BB frar" t.he urlnor street to the north.. <br /> <br />Franke moved and Simerman seconded that the action on t..'1e ple:ii be tabl~d for raasor~c; <br />cited above. f-fotion carried urw.n1mously'. <br /> <br />S. REZOT-IING nEQUEST OF DR. HANSON FROM R..l TO 13-1 <br />Description: S 175 It sw-i SW!t of Sec. 12, T 29, R 23, and the ~'l 71~3..3 except <br />the W 488.3 thereofo <br />Purpose~ To erect a nursing home <br />Action~ By peti1iion <br />Dr. J. B. Hanson supported this action. He f.elt this "(.~a8 a good area for the <br />establishment of a nursing hOIJleo No plans were Pl'e8antt:~d although 11 hand drawn sketrJ1 <br />was used far illustration. <br /> <br />It vas pointed out by the commission members that should such a. request be granted it. <br />would oreate a zon1rl1t situation whereby one would find g....3 at the intersection of Dale <br />and Co. Rd. '8, R-l adjacent to tihe east and B-1 adjacent to R-l on all EJid~BCI <br /> <br />r~embre. moved. Simerman seconded thE.t the peti t.ion bs recommendod far den.1.lll on the <br />basis that it would create spot zon1~; carned unanimously.. <br /> <br />6. REZOHIOO REQUEST Br L-Z MP'G. 00.. B-3 to 1!r",1 <br />DeIlcr:1pt1oDa Shady Beach Lots 6-7-0-9 <br />Purpose: To enlarge an exIsting truck body businoB8 <br />A.otioDI B,y pe'b. tion <br />Mr. BWt'e Zeeoe, 1881 tI. Rice St., Vice- President of L-Z J.1rt~. Co. supported this <br />pets. t1on. I,.Z desired to expand. their pre8ent building and were informed by the <br />bu11d1~ inspector . that they were not pem1tted to do so. They are currently in a <br />non-contondng use.. <br /> <br />There.wU no opposition to this aotion. Hr. Dehlgren pointed out that perhaps eyen a <br />change 111 a< to 1-1 would not eo1Ye Mr. z.eo.'8 problem. The required set-backs <br />in the 1-1 sone probably would prevent 1'urtber expansion. Zeece thJriijjht that the <br />=:J~ classifioation to 1-1 would be dN1rable even if the building couldn' t !I~b. <br />