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<br />.-." <br /> <br />nr)Sl~VILr..E PL;~ifmT1(r ,':IS:)IC!n <br />Hiuut.ea of ~;pecial ;';eeting <br />Jur1e 21,. 1960 <br /> <br />The neeti11:.:~ was called to order by Chairman Bell at 7:30 P.'1. in the 'Tillage Hall. <br />COmmissioners 3all, Franke, :fembrez, Slmeman and Grauel wero present" Howard <br />Dahlgren, Village Planner, was also present. <br /> <br />( <br /> <br />COlJl.'l'lissioner Solke and C. Sautter, VillaRs Engineer, 1-lare meeting with representa- <br />tives of the Highway Department this evening a.bout proposed com3truction of high~iaY6 <br />in the vi11ar.e" <br /> <br />1..) 6-21...35 J?J1:?J)T.rJ:'TG Rj.''lTTF,ST FOR EA.nL RYHER mort R..l 'fO ]3...1 <br />Earl Rymer, 1627 ~'J. Co. qd. B, spoke for his petition. Hr. Rymer desires to use <br />the nine room home on the property for a music Bchool. He proposes to live in <br />the downstairs of the hou se and use the rh's rooms upstairs for class rooms.. <br />Proposed !>'U'1d.~ \:i11 be located on the eoutl1 side and in the back of the buildi~. <br /> <br />Howard Dahl \1"en cited that our ~ri1lage map indicated that the 1rl.ghway ownership <br />appeared to ~'erlap the prorerty in question and it would be Ildvisable for !"1r. Ry?I1er <br />to have his attorney examine the abstract. <br /> <br />Harry \-1. f!oberg, 2261 N. Lexington ~venue, submitted a list with the names of 25 <br />people livinB in the immediate area who were against the rezoning. :He also submitted <br />another list of 96 p'eople against t.he rezoning who lived outside the ~~O foot radius. <br />Hr. Hoberg contended that the school would create s. traffic hazard. <br /> <br />Justine O'Connor, 2800 N. Oxf'ord, is a teacher at the RyMer School. She stated that <br />we need a school of music in the Villare with this hip,h quality. She estimated that <br />there would be at least five teachers, at a tirne uhen the achool is operati~, <br />which 'fO\ud mean between 5 to 10 cars enterinJ? and 1emrirw: the premises every hour. <br />This additional traffic would not create e. problem on the already haav;ily traveled <br />Lexington Avenue. <br /> <br />Poward Carr, 11,5 Sherren street, was opposed to the rezoning. He questioned what <br />the status would be of the ',acant propert..v to the south (md east if the property 'Would <br />be rezoned. <br /> <br />J'~r. Dal1J.p,ren advised' that the zoning on tha adjoinlnp, propert.y would change tram P-l <br />to R -2. <br /> <br />Clarence 'Rexeisen, 2612 Hhee1er Street, is a professional apprcrl.ser who aug~sted t.~is <br />location to Hr. Rymer. He thought this was a logical location for the school and <br />fel t that it would not hurt the value of the homes in the neiRhborhoodo <br /> <br />',fra. 'qannett Olsen, 3014 Shorewood Lane, spoke for the rezoning, indicating there <br />were never more than six cars parked in front of" the '9rimhall School. <br /> <br />John E. t'.'hittles, 113S Sherren Street, was BP:8inat the rezoning, thinking that the <br />8chool would expand in a few and outgrow the property. Concem was expressed <br />for the future of the property should the Rymer School Move tp a.nother location. <br /> <br />Kenneth Green, 303' Simpson, and Benjamin I3eir, 6A6 Belmont Lana, expressed t.heir <br />o!)1nions in favor ot the sc:~ool. <br />