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<br />i <br /> <br />11INUTE5 OF THE JUNE 7. 1961. MEETING OF THE PLANNING C<M1ISSION <br /> <br />The meeting was called to order by 0ba1rman Membrez, at 71,0 Po .110 Commissioners <br />BeU, Chestrmt, Grauel, ~..I Smem&n.9 So11cB and SWanson, were presento Flanne.l." <br />n,h1.p'en, and Eng1Deer Sautter, vera also present. <br /> <br />6-7-Sl ReWns ReZOD1n8 (R-1 to R-2, R-1 to 80) West at Isx1ngton AVem18j just <br />~Tth of OOUltlV Road O. <br /> <br />.~ ' . <br /> <br />John DaUbDe3'L:tiomq, and Oeorse ReU1nl, supported the pet1t1ono D8.11bDsT, presented <br />a ataw-nt "J,ealletate Ruearah Oorporat1Dn wh1ch in~oated that it would nut be <br />posdJde to p.NpI'N a marJarb ~ without turtber stud;yo. <br />No one appeared at the meeting 1n oppos1tion to the pet1tiono <br />SwGIon JIOftd, loiDaeooMed" that we NOO1IIIMM to the V1l1a8e Oounoll" tbat the <br />petition tor ~tord._ be apprav'ed on the oondition that a 60. foot wide street <br />ru.tm1n& North 8d4 South fraa 00w1tq Road 0 to Ooun11r Road 02, be dedicated together <br />with". tfW, sout.fi8tr1T 3~ feet of 0011l1ty Road 02 extending Westerq tram 1Ax1ngton <br />AVeDW1l, to the ded1cated Horth .. South, SWeet. Carried Un.n1111ous~ 0 <br />&..7.,s2 Weatem Slopes Addition - West or Western Avenue, just North of Iona Laneo <br /> <br />. . <br /> <br />~ ICro1ee, "D4 Oeorse ~., to su'bJdt to the p~ Commission, for con.,.. <br />s1derat1oD bS.8 "quoit to withdraw the pre' ,,~ plat of WesteJ'n SlOpes Addit1on6 <br />S~ 1IOftd, So11cB eeoonded, that we recommend the prel:hd~"7 p1at of Western <br />Slope8 Addition be w1thdrmmo Oarr1ed unarWrIou8:qo <br />6-7--46 So 30 I.NDDak re~' (R-l to SO) IDt 1, Block 1, IDt 19 Block 29 Krmmak <br />Add1t1c.m and vacated 10118 street, adjo1D1ngo <br />Jeraue~, iDMQated that !fro xrannakj baa a oontraoii topm-chase tJ1e Ku1ven1nr <br />bane looated on'I#t 1, B1AK:k a, pending favorable action on rezoning the properwo <br />The f'QlJ.Dv1na ~ owners were aga1nst the r.eBCr\1I1go Hr~ and Mrso Walter Obr1stensen,!) <br />1728 JA.nd1, Mro ~Hr.o FauJ. Jenk1nBf) 1760 No Dlmlap streeto " <br />~~JIOY8d, ~ .eooDded, that wereoomMnd tbe properv described in the peUtion <br />be l'8i1GDe40 ~4 ~o <br />6-7ab8 So Jo I'NJmak - PrOposed developDent of BlookB 1, 2 and 3.0 ttrannak Addition <br />.__pd var1amces 111 set back requ1nmmts proposed.b7 Spartan Ind', IDeo <br />JC'OII8JDtt~ adV:I..e4 that Spartan, Inco9 proposes to conatru.ot a reta1l <br />store on tbe'pr.u.' at an est5mated cost at 86S0,0000 The proposed location of the <br />b1d]~ w\l1d require a"f'lriaDae 111 the orM"~e of' 40leet along tbeNorth property <br />line and 61 teet alDDg lPermrood Avenueo <br /> <br /> <br />