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<br />plato '!'he rev1aed plat conta:1na the foUowing .features vbich were not com:d,ned in <br />tba pre] 1rrd1bt1'1' platl <br />(1) '!be ded1cat1on of a BtrSp of 1aD4 70 J:eet v1de for the construction of' ~~';.;b1n <br />~ wh1cb vW. u1~ sam as a collector streeto <br />(2) fJIe dedication of the Bortber1T 3S teet of the plat uh1ch wID COD8t.1.tute tb& <br />South haU' at IoDa r.z. when it 18 CCD8tructedo . <br />") 'the dedSGatSon of' properff' 1aDJD as outlot B, lor a pr1ya1;o park which will be <br />lD8d bz tbra ~oSD1Ds ~ ormara. '1'ha 1\U1int,.A~ftt"A o! the park and taxes w1ll <br />aleo be ..~ '" the ad3~wt. ~ ClWll8r8o . <br />(4) !be aea1alMa1a4 ~ d8n~wU1 be platted Snto lots at a later dawo <br />(S) ODe at the 1ot.a ad3~JdJW .... ou1 de Il1O 3PD8 betu8eI1l'8nt aDd ~~n Stnet8 <br />does not JII88t ' ~~ lot d.Ie ~ and sbould be corrected betore the <br />plat 18 accepted. <br />So:Da JllDftd. CheatIIIt secondad, ~ we ~1"Utf rev1eed oysr].q plat of W"-1'nvlJll <br />Add1tlca be approred.. Oano1ed. ~~ <br />6-7-62 Iart8an Add1t1on West ot 1U.ce Stree1; jut South at Wewera Road!) <br />- .. <br /> <br />Mro I'art8an was adriaed tba\ 1Dt8 1 and 16. d1d DOt meet, tbe """'tIn'ft 1O't sUe rew <br />~ 0 ItIt8 S aDd 8 are 1DW am vet aDd same (,.oM1deratSon DI8\Y' be g1'1811. to <br />rese1'ft part of tbsee JDta for a ~,8I"8a. Hr. JraIrtsan will ~ with the <br />properv GlIDer to the east ot h1B ~, to see 1f' he wou1d be w1l'~ to dbd1cate <br />a 30 toot atr!p of laDd wb1ch would be ued tor ~ access roado <br />So11IB ....d, S~seCODded, that. the pre]of~.J'7 plat of IorttJa\t Addition be <br />ccmt.1m&ed .. GIll" next replar maet1Dg scheduled tor .TuJ;y S. 19610 Carried <br />'f.J'nM:r'1'rU8J,' 0 <br />6-7-63 DIll' Addition <br />No one appMr'ed at tbe meat' anapparot or the plato <br />Cbas1a&t ...4, SoUB seCODded, that the pre11m4ftJ1?' ~t of Dq Add:1t1on be cont1Dued <br />untiJ. our DeXt. :rep1a:r meeUng 8Qbedulsd for JuJ.1' S, 1961. Carr1ed ~1IMN8~o <br />Boward ~'. ContftctI <br />SoU8 JIIaIftCI, CheatIIIt seooIIded, tbKt we re~ Jbrard T1A}\1g;roen's cont..'N.ct be a.1mId- <br />ed a.DOtber year aDd oonta1n the t.e:Iw8 aDd caad:1t1onB set oa.t in h1s .p1sJm1.11g pt'OgrGL <br />su1IId.tted tor the twaIn month period Mq 14. 1961" to Hq 13, 1962. Carr1ed t7A- <br />~. . <br /> <br />.A.~n1 ~ H:l.DdeSI Soike mand, ChestD.1.t seoanded, that the m1mztes of the MI9' .39 <br />~I IIIIt8't1D8 ~ . ~. Oarr1edJ Bell d1d DOt cast a TOte as. he was DOt a JDI!Bber <br />/---~ t.b8 P.JA1Id.IIc o.d 9Sion at t.bI.\ t.1me. <br />1'he 0bdmaD. ad3oun>>d the IIISet.blg at 12110 A. K., JuDe 8, 1961. <br />Re~ Nlll.\teda <br />~ W. 0NIIII1. 8eOI'eta17 <br />RoawWa ~.~'- <br /> <br />. L<~ <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />(l <br /> <br /> <br />.,'...~. <br />