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<br />Regular HeGting '.~ Hoseville Planning Co'~~"issioJ1 <br />Wednesday ~ February 5 ~ 1969" 7:; 30 p, Iv!, <br /> <br />~~mbers present: <br />Members absent~ <br />Also present: <br /> <br />t,jembre Zt Andersor1D Carpenter i) Demos ~ Ei.U:,nd and Pope <br />Remsburg <br />lJahlgren~ Goldberg and Grauel <br /> <br />It was moved by Demos and seconded by Ca:rpc,mter that we ,u:c:::pt the <br />December 4~ 1963 meeting as submitteJ, RoU. Call~ unanimous 0 <br /> <br /> <br />5 of the <br /> <br />Subj~c t Fi~ ~ = State of M111nesota HlghwilY Df~partm€nt request for approval of <br />p:l'eliminary plan for overpass at torl<1 Avenue and T oiL 36, <br /> <br />It t-Jas pointed out that tHe main conC$rn is tJ16 accl;::Ss. to the existing traile:r court <br />and that it \vo1..ild not be good to bring the traffiC' out tc Lovell and then to Victoria. <br />The Highway Uepartment submitted thrt'.6 access plans a:s foU ows~ <br /> <br />1. Driveway to Lovell in back of the lots facing Victoria <br />2. Bring driveway out to Victoria directly <br />30 Deviate driveway to the north so as to have no mot'e than 5% grade <br /> <br />Limi ting the grade to 5 % seemed to be the bes t solution but this: put the driveway too <br />close to Mrs. Cook1i shouse. f,lrs. Zappa said that the grade would spoil Mrs0 Cook" shouse <br />and she thought that the State should take her houseo r,lr. Bob Averback said the drivec, <br />way should have an S turn so that the driveway will face south \"hen at Victoria, Mro <br />John Strom said that the raised grade at the south side of 36 would cause water problems <br />for their drivewayso Mrs, Zappa also wanted to know about access to pit at SE corn~r <br />of Victoria and 36, Also sidewalk on bridge, <br /> <br />After discussion it was moved by Pope and seconded by Anderson that we table the <br />preliminary plans and convey to the 11innesot.a IIi ghway Department the Midwest Planning <br />and Research sketch for relocating the driveway 0 Roll Call: unanimous, <br /> <br />Subject File 496d68 .~ John McCaX'Ton rez.oning from R~2 to B~3 at 2150 North Dale Strg>et <br />~~~ <br /> <br />Mr, Moder represented the real estate: firm that is trying to sell this property to <br />Mr. Bob Schroa.der of Schroader Hilk so that a .,1,0!1 X 85' Dairy Superette <:ould be built <br />on this cornero The added 30!' \vould allow a larger building because of added parking <br />space 0 They p Ian to put an over lay of fOl11:r feet of loose dirt ever the front portion <br />that has the easements for storm and sanitary se''!ers". Mr, Westgaard,1 600 W, County <br />Road Bp was concerned about the slope to his house, <br /> <br />After discussion it \vas moved by Pope and seconded by Edlund trea.t we recommend to the <br />Council that they refer this to tne Recreation Board) RoI Ca,:n, unanimous 0 <br /> <br />Subject File 497=68 Vogel division of lot at lY92 North Cleveland Avenue, <br />.,... ~-~ <br /> <br />The front portion of th15 property \lIi th the house on it bas been s,old pending the <br />splitting of the lot, The Vogel s donRt care if the rear property is land locked. <br /> <br />After discussion Pope movedp Carpenter ser::onded that we recommend to the Council ti~at <br />they approve this request for division of a lot on condi on that he dedicate oni;) <br />naIf of the culde~saco Roll Call: unanimous, <br />