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<br />Roseville Planning Commission Meeting <br />Wednesday. March 3, 1971 <br /> <br />The March 3. 1971, meeting of the Rosevil1e Planning Commission was called to order by <br />Chainnan ~rnbrez at 7: 30 P "M" <br /> <br />~mbers Present: Eagles. Demos, Kellett and Membrez <br />Pope arrived at 8:00 P"Mo <br /> <br />~nbers Absent: Edlund and Johnson <br /> <br />Others Present: Councilman Albert Grauel. Public Works Director Sherman Goldberg. <br />Midwest Planning Representative John Darling and Administrative <br />Assistant Steve North <br /> <br />Planning File 607~71 = Donald Wiegand request for division of lot at 2900 Arthur Place <br />Presentation <br /> <br />Mr" Wiegand stated that he was proposing to divide a 75' x 4121 lot into two lots of <br />751 x 206' eacho He indicated that he is presently constructing a house on the westerly <br />portion of the property bordering Arthur Place" The easterly portion of the property <br />bordering Mildred Drive is swamp land and will not be a buildable lot lD1til stonn sewer <br />is placed in the area" <br /> <br />Discussion <br /> <br />Mr. Eagles inquired as to the applicant's reason for requesting a division of a lot when <br />there is no possibility of building another home lD1til the stonn sewer is completed" <br /> <br />Mro Wiegand replied that if he sold the house presently being constructed on the westerly <br />portion of the property that he would like to have another lot for development at a later <br />date" <br /> <br />John ~sserose. 2912 Mildred Drive, indicated that the swamp land was a haven for <br />pheasants, chJcks and other small wild life 0 He stated that the modular home presently <br />being constructed on the westerly portial. of the property was not comparable to other <br />homes in the neighborhood and would, therefore, have a depreciating effect on home values <br />in the area" <br /> <br />Mr" ~~sserose indicated that he was opposed to the division of the loto <br /> <br />Mr" ~tterland, 2926 Mildred Drive, indicated that he had moved out to this area to have <br />some elbow roomo He felt that if we start dividing existing lots that it will becone as <br />congested in Roseville as in downtown St" Paulo <br /> <br />Mr" Goldberg, Public Works Director, indicated that stonn sewer construction in the area <br />would probably be considered in about two years" <br /> <br />RecoJIUrendation <br /> <br />Mr" Kellett MJved and Mrso Demos Seconded, that the Cormnission recomrend approval of the <br />division of lot at 2900 Arthur Place" Roll Call, Ayes: Eagles, Demos, Kellett and <br />~mbrez" Nays: None" Abstention: Pope" <br />